May 052011

Gentlemen, behold!

It’s clearly a Zeuglodon. Quick, someone call the Discovery Channel!

 Posted by at 10:12 pm

  5 Responses to “The Mississippi River Monster”

  1. >It’s clearly a Zeuglodon.

    Methinks it’s more likely to be a ‘Treebranchicus Driftwoodoides’ myself……..

    • Bah! You “skeptics” and your reliance upon logic and facts shall not stand before my efforts to PROVE that MYSTERIOUS sea MONSTERS prowl our waterways, ready to steal our CHILDREN and our WATERBEDS!!!

  2. Hey, you may be on to something; bull sharks have gone way up the Mississippi, clean up to Illinois:

  3. I guess this is totally a comment spam, but maybe you saw: !

  4. it is not a zeuglodon.. mbey other thing… it alaredy gone~

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