May 052011

You are guarding/working with/working for just about the most hated, most hunted man on the planet. So why would you arm yourself with a  cheap plastic squirtgun when the baddest of SEAL Team Six badasses come a-knockin’?


Osama bin Laden compound in Abbottabad – in pictures

Note for the squeamish: blood ‘n stuff.

 Posted by at 8:49 pm

  9 Responses to “Squirtgun of the Apocalypse”

  1. Maudlin irony? You’re pretty much hosed, might as well have a little irreverent fun before you go.


  2. Don’t you recognize what this means? Al-Qaeda is working on their own prototype Desolator weapon system……

  3. I’ll bet getting shot in the chin hurts.

    • Briefly.

      • The odd thing about the chin wound is how centered it is, like a sniper getting the bullet drop wrong when shooting from a distance greater than he thought, or the target standing up just as the bullet was fired. I’m still trying to figure out where exactly the other two got hit; his son looks like he had a couple of gallons of blood in his head though no head wound is obvious, and the courier apparently got hit in the chest.
        Any news yet who the SEALS took away alive with them? They were supposed to have taken a POW. First reports were that two of OBL sons were killed, did one get taken alive?

        • Here’s a thought: since the SEALS were trying to be as stealthy as possible during this operation, could they have been equipped with silenced weapons firing subsonic bullets?
          Those would have a pretty severe bullet drop on them if fired at any distance, and might account for the chin shot.

  4. Besides their secret stealth helicopters, I’ll bet the SEALS were armed with these:
    I had one of those, that was one of the coolest toys ever:
    The CIA agents in the safe house nearby were of course equipped with Secret Sams:

  5. That tail rotor looks really interesting, I’m surprised they left that intact.

  6. Well, it did fall outside the immediate line of sight.That and there was no time. You see, this is what they build over at Groom Lake or whatever. I would have expected NOTAR myself. I wonder why that wasn’t chosen.

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