Aug 182010

*I* know what this is. But do you? First correct respondant gets 3 free back issues of APR (or a three-issue extension to a subscription).


 Posted by at 10:39 pm

  17 Responses to “What is this?”

  1. the interior of a burned out SRB?

  2. Is it the interior of the Gemini-Titan 5 1st stage?

  3. It’s the interior of a rocket stage being cut and sectioned with a plasma torch, see the beam and the sparks. I’d hazard the Titan IVs boosters.

  4. and I was just going to guess “a grain silo”

  5. i think that the interior of a old aircraft Fueltank
    being cut and sectioned with a wire saw.

  6. STS SRB being sectioned after use for ‘cleaning and refurbishment’?

  7. Ares I-X interior of burned SRB

  8. Several of you have bits and pieces of this (one of you has the right “environment”, and I suppose technically is the winner…), but nobody has put it all together quite yet…

  9. I see water sitting in the tank and what looks like a salt deposit ring. It was fished from salt water after sitting there awhile. Corrosion test?

  10. Ares I-X SRB interior being cut and sectioned by a wire saw.

  11. > Ares I-X SRB interior being cut and sectioned by a wire saw.

    Bingo. Looks like a laser, but it’s just a (AIUI) diamond-coated cable being dragged through it.

    The Ares I-X had three parachutes… one opened perfectly, one didn’t open at all, and one only gave it a half-assed try. As a result, the motor hit the ocean *real* hard, and got tweaked pretty solidly, putting the massive dent you can see here in the side of it. I understand that it has made sectioning a bit of a chore, since the damaged segments don’t fit in the cradles properly anymore.

    So… three APRs for Sean, and because Jose got the right “environment,” two APRs. Lemme knew which, fellers.

  12. sweet, how about: V1 E5, E6 and V2 E6

  13. assuming we are only talking APRs

  14. Check your email…

  15. Well. Shoot.

  16. Scott

    I already bought all of APR.

    It is possible to change for DCD Batch 3 and DCD Batch 4


  17. > It is possible to change for DCD Batch 3 and DCD Batch 4

    Check your email…

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