Jul 032010

This one should be easy to guess. However, I’m firing up the ol’ “contest machine” for this one. Anyone who can (and does) provide *verifiable* hard data on this (and I mean more than just the one reasonably well-known painting… I mean reports, diagrams, three-views, etc) gets a Perpetual APR Subscription… all previously published APRs plus all that the future will see.



All the major bits and pieces are in place, but a fair amount of detailing is left (control surfaces, panel lines, landing gear, attachment pins, etc.). The modeler will be able to fix the wingtip fins in either up or down positions.


UPDATE: probably final, or close to it:


UPDATE: Final parts layout.


 Posted by at 6:50 pm

  8 Responses to “Next Model Project”

  1. It’s that scramjet variant of the X-15. Except it seems to be missing the canard foreplanes. This one, right? :

  2. > scramjet variant of the X-15

    Yes, except that in years of searching i’ve *never* found *any* information that this design has a single thing to do with the X-15 apart from being designed by NAA and having a similar canopy.

    > missing the canard

    One step at a time.

  3. Perhaps a proposal for what became the X-30?

  4. Far too old (1960’s, note the NAA logo) and far too small. It’s a scramjet test vehicle, but apart from that, hard data is limited.

  5. You’re the man, I’ve been waiting for this!!!

  6. It’s called the X-15A-4.

    I have a sketch of this. Oddly enough, it’s from “up-ship.com/blog,” which is — obviously — the font of all aerospace history wisdom.

  7. The only thing I ever found that could be related to it is this NASA article on future X-15 type research aircraft development:
    The painting could be the phase 2 aircraft described there with the delta wings, before they went to phase 3 and the lifting body design shown in model form in the article.

  8. You know, what that could be related to is the mystery model we were never able to identify: http://www.collectspace.com/images/superior/x15model.html

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