May 122010

… in one easy to bookmark Fark thread.

 Posted by at 5:50 pm

  7 Responses to “THE ENTIRE INTERNET…”

  1. *sigh* There’s hope.

  2. Was the joke here supposed to be that it would never finish uploading?
    Because after around three minutes, I just gave up on anything appearing, despite my fiber optic connection.

  3. I had the same thing happen to me too,Pat.

  4. Loaded just fine here, on the Verizon DSL. Maybe everyone was going there at the same time.

  5. For those of us that still had trouble,what was it?

  6. It had Every Internet Meme EVAR, starting with Epic Boobs Girl (which I’m sure *nobody* reading this blog is even remotely interested in…).

    A small, a very tiny fraction of what’s there…

    And, yes, a whole lot of pics of Epic Boobs Girl and her competitors. Not that that would interest you.

  7. “epic boobs” girl lost her fight to get the picture removed from the website that posted it first.

    for more pics of “epic boobs” girl….look here!

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