May 132010

It’s official… it’s going forward. I plan on finishing this one before the “SF Spaceship Design” book for a few reasons… it’s closer to done, and I think having the Orion book out there will make the Design book more sellable. Instead of some completely unknown nobody writing the Design book.. it’ll be written by the “hey, didn’t this guy write that Orion book” guy. 

 Posted by at 3:47 pm

  22 Responses to “Project Orion: The Book is a go”

  1. At the end of the “Spaceship Handbook” which has a bunch of drawings and info about Von Braun’s work, movie spacecraft, etc. there’s a chapter covering all types of propulsion systems and how rockets work. Have you seen that before? It’s not very in depth.

    All I knew about Orion was the little vehicle in the Smithsonian.

  2. Go Scott!

    (I am assuming you are not switching to the P-3 nor the Ford.)

    It should go well with the ‘Project’ book.

  3. Mark me down as a buyer… and let me know if I can help.

  4. I am looking forward to it. The lost possibilities are depressing but it should be an excellent read.

  5. As much as I want the “SF Spaceship Design” book, I think I have to agree with your analysis of the marketing dynamics involved. At any rate I’ll buy both.

  6. Go go go !

    I will buy the book and PDF
    of “Orion: Nuke you into Space!” and “SF Spaceship Design”

    and can i be of anyway help?

  7. Sign me up, dude.

  8. Congrats !

  9. Me,too.

  10. Are you self-publishing? Using a print on demand service?

  11. Nope. An actual honest-to-Odin publisher. Not really sure about the diplomatics of such things, so I’m not sure how much to blather forth about that.

  12. Sold.

    I also have a number of extra cats. How many will you take in trade for the two books?

  13. If you want a good and probably cheap publisher,try I know
    someone who uses their services for a couple of books they have written.

  14. Gooooood news!!!!!
    I’m waiting a your pm….

  15. Good for you Scott. I’ll buy the book too.

  16. Count me in to.

  17. Speaking of projects,if anyone is interested in something that looks fun which I myself haven’t pursued yet but maybe I will is the braunmodel_
    spaceplane.pdf-Adobe Reader. It’s the third stage (shuttle craft) from
    the Wernher Von Braun Ferry Rocket and you make it out of paper.This is
    something I discovered a while back but still looks ccol.Enjoy.

  18. I pledge to stop being a non-supporting lurker of your site and instead become a supporting lurker by buying your Orion book. Bring it on – blam blam blam!

  19. Very much looking forward to this and definitely will buy. Your Orion work has really brought to life a intriguing piece of aerospace history; my only regret is I needed this book 20 years ago when nobody would believe me when I said Orion was a serious concept.

  20. […] the forthcoming “nuclear pulse propulsion” book, one of the later chapters will deal with post-Orion projects. One such concept is the […]

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