Apr 082022

Gallup polling from February indicates that Americans are quickly heading towards becoming a non-reproducing people:

LGBT Identification in U.S. Ticks Up to 7.1%

7.1% might not sound like a lot, but that’s of the entire population; it’s *far* higher the younger you get, and it’s trending upwards very quickly.

Gen Z’ers have gone from 10% LGBT to 20% in only four years. No reason to assume that that will stop; they might get to 30% by the time they’re mature. But the *next*generation will seemingly start off from there or higher. It’s not unreasonable to assume that Gen Z+1 will be 50% or more LGBT by the time they mature, while the relatively few members of Gen Z+2 might be 75% LGBT.

The trends are there. The obvious question is *why.* “Because humans are naturally that way” really doesn’t seem to comport with any examination of humanity throughout history. Additionally, if the rise in LGBT is due to the increasingly accepting culture, then why aren’t the Gen Xers and Baby Boomers jumping on board? Is there something in the environment? Something in the food, in the drugs, in the drinking water, seeping out of the plastic bottles? The question arises again: if it was found that some chemical produced in the last few decades has caused the rise in LGBT, what would happen if there was a serious effort to *ban* that chemical? Who would protest, and would they win?

There is another possibility. Yes, American culture is much more accepting of LGBT than it was a few decades ago. But we’ve gone beyond “acceptance” and leaped into “advocacy.” Take a look at Libs of TikTok: it is *filled* with public school teachers proudly announcing how they are grooming children as young as kindergarteners to decide that they are gay or trans. Kids are *dumb* and impressionable. If we had armies of teachers trying to convince six year olds that they were in fact unicorns, you bet your ass we’d have lots of kids convinced that they were unicorns. And as those kids grew older, if society persisted in supporting them in their belief that they were unicorns, and that it was cool and preferable to be unicorns, and that anyone who didn’t support their unicornness was evil and stupid, it’s safe to assume that unicornness would increase.

As the native American population fades away, it will simply be replaced by people whose cultures don’t engage in this sort of thing. A hundred years from now, American might be evenly split between the Hispanic Catholics and the Muslims, with anyone else being a statistical rounding error (maybe some Mormons in the Free State of Deseret; I would have assumed some Amish, but they’ll doubtless be wiped out by then). This assumes the US lasts that long.

There is another possible approach: mockery using the Critical Race Theorists words and logic against the groomers. Honestly it’s unlikely to work… but at least we can have a good laugh as we watch western society recede in the rear view mirror.

‘The issue is SYSTEMIC grooming’: Critical Grooming Theory thread mocking principles of CRT is the best damn thing you’ll read today

 Posted by at 7:24 pm