Apr 082022

It’s the 80’s all over again, just not quite in order. Right now we’ve got the 70’s as far as feckless and incompetent leadership, flailing their way through economic troubles including inflation, but 80’s music has had a resurgence. And now Ukrainians are remaking one of the best American movies of the 80’s:

How many Ukrainians armed with man-portable anti-tank rockets yell “Eat me!” when they pull the trigger? I can assure you that there has been a  *lot* of “avenge me!” bandied about over there.


Also: if you want one of the most laughable reviews of “Red Dawn,” one that could not be made today with anything remotely resembling a straight face… well, here ya go:

“Oh, boo hoo, the Soviets are portrayed as the villains.” Yeah. They’re portrayed doing almost *exactly* the sort of things that are happening RIGHT FRIGGEN’ NOW. “Those dastardly right wing film makers showed Russian troops killing kids at a school!” yeah. Who could have imagined THAT ever happening.

 Posted by at 9:29 pm