Apr 082022

It is common wisdom that if a Federal prosecutor files charges against you, you immediately start trying to get a plea deal because, guilty or not, the Feds don’t lose trials. Wellllllll….

Jury finds 2 men not guilty in Whitmer kidnap case; unable to reach verdicts on 2 others

In short: it sure seems like this “plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer,” conveniently unveiled  a month or so before the 2020 election and used to loudly promote the idea that Trump inspired dangerous whackaloons, was largely if not wholly a product of the FBI. Whoopsie.

And then:

A Man Claimed Police Let Him Into The Capitol On Jan. 6. A Judge Found Him Not Guilty Of All Charges.

Not much of an insurrection if the government actually lets you in to wander around for a bit.

And then:

Judge restores Jan. 6 defendant’s gun rights over DOJ objection

Jenny Cudd was not charged with doing any violence, nor even a felony, yet the Feds tried to delete her civil rights. How many of the 2020 BLM/Antifa rioters have lost their voting franchise?

 Posted by at 5:03 pm