Nov 042021

One of the best episodes of any of the Trek series aired 25 years ago today.


On one hand: crap, I’m ooooooold. On the other hand: this episode, which saw Our Heroes from Deep Space Nine sent back in time to the original series “The Trouble with Tribbles” episode and seamlessly slotted in using CGI tricks and well constructed sets, props and costumes, showed that the original series designs worked *perfectly* well in an era of higher resolution. And when Star Trek: Enterprise did it itself some years later, with even higher visual resolution, that cemented the fact that the Nu Trek eras determination to redesign everything was just ridiculous and, let’s face it, ugly.

Nothing STD or STP has produced has improved on this:


As a bonus: in order to produce footage that the new characters could be inserted into, vintage Trek footage was remastered digitally. The end result was so good that it help to assure that a complete remaster of the original series was created and released on Blu Ray.

 Posted by at 5:53 pm