Nov 042021

Hidden behind the news of Virginia’s election of governor flipping the office from D to R is an election in New Jersey, where a truck driver defeated the State Senate President. Since the new State Senator Edward Durr has the Wrong Politics, his social media postings have been scrutinized to find all the horrible, horrible things this man said during the years when he was just some blue collar guy that nobody in the media paid the slightest bit of attention to:

Newly elected GOP state senator’s social media accounts contain xenophobic, anti-Muslim posts

The first posting they quote is a tweet from 2019, where he refers to a particular religion as “false” and its founder as a “pedo.” Uh-huh. So… is it wrong to declare *any* religion as “false?” If I am, say, an atheist who believes actively in the actual non-existence of any and all gods, to me *every* religion that teaches that gods exist is false. If I am a theist who believes one specific god exists but others do not, another religion that teaches that *my* god doesn’t exist but theirs does is false. Durr may or may not be factually right or wrong to claim that any particular religion is “false,” but he’s not morally or ethically wrong to do so, no more so than if he had said “my religion is true.” And if the founder of a religion is described in his own official hagiographies as have boinked a 9-year-old… how is he *not* a pedo?

And multiple posts from his Facebook account downplayed the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol — one called it “not an insurrection … (but) an unauthorized entry by undocumented federal employers!”

And… hmm. “Undocumented federal employers” is a dandy description of taxpayers.


And speaking of the elections…

 Posted by at 6:33 pm