Nov 042021

The parallels between the seventies and the current era are numerous. A shameful abandonment of allies, allowing them to be over-run by savages. A feckless and wholly incompetent President, in far over his head. A NASA in shambles, promising a New Thing but facing constant technical issues, delays and massive cost over-runs. An economy in deep trouble, with looming inflation. An energy crisis. Deep cultural and racial divisions. New York and other major cities being known more for their crime than anything else. And on and on.

So today, while out and about I stopped in a convenience store to get something to drink. Over the past few months there have been occasional shortages… sometimes they don’t have the syrup to make this or that fountain drink; or they don’t have straws, or they don’t have polypropylene cups, or they don’t have styrofoam cups. Various bits of shelf space bare from time to time.  All annoying side effects of the current economic conditions brought about by the pandemic and ridiculous policies that trash the ability of American ports to do their jobs. But nothing quite screamed “the 70’s are back, baby!” to me quite like today: I got my drink, pulled out a paper-wrapped straw, and unwrapped it.. to find a *paper* straw.

I haven’t seen a paper straw in 40 or more years. I didn’t like ’em then, because they turned into a soggy mess well before you were done with them. I don’t like them any better now, because of what they represent: an admission of failure. I don’t know if these straws hold up any better than they did 40+ years ago because as soon as I got to my car I swapped it for a proper plastic straw. But I kept the thing. It’s still there, mocking me, promising to bring on stagflation and a return of lime green polyester leisure suits, wide lapels, bell bottoms, perms.

Get ready for it. it’s coming back, like it or not.

 Posted by at 3:28 pm