Apr 242009

If you take a solid object and scoop part of it out to make a hole, the stuff you’ve scooped out needs to be put somewhere. And so with the Bingham Canyon Mine, the tailings (translation: metals-exhausted worthless crap) need to be put somewhere. And that somewhere is a series of artificial hills.

On the drive in to the mine, you could see a conga line of enormous dump trucks hauling tailings and dumping them over the edge. Sadly, even though it was an interesting sight, you are not supposed to stop anywhere on the road, and there ss nowhere to pull over (stopping or slowing down on the road invites getting flattened by vehicles substantially larger than VW Golfs), and photography-while-driving is sketchy at best. But from outside the mine property, you could still just barely make out some of the older tailings piles…



A closeup gives an indication of scale:


 Posted by at 10:00 am

  One Response to “The Anti-Hole”

  1. Wow… thanks for those. The immensity is mind-boggling. I need to visit these sites in the future.

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