Apr 252009

On display at the Hill Aerospace Museum is an M-61 Vulcan, one of the most surprisingly durable aircraft guns ever devised.

Sure, it’d look a little funny fitted to a ring mount on top of my VW, but a man can dream…


m-61-vulcan-2.jpg  m-61-vulcan-3.jpg  m-61-vulcan-4.jpg  m-61-vulcan-5.jpg

 Posted by at 12:48 am

  2 Responses to “M-61 Vulcan”

  1. Until fairly recently, I didn’t realize just how far back that gun’s origin went.
    Richard Gatling patented the concept of a electric driven version of his Gatling Gun in 1893 (US Patent #502,185).

  2. Ok, Scott… I’m thinking the GUN is almost the SIZE of a VW… We looking at an alternate propulsion system here?


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