Apr 082009

Todays Independent has a hell of an article about Dubai. There’s far too much good stuff to choose quotes from… just go and read the whole thing. It’s seriously creepifyin’. Dubai is, I think, a good microcosm for not just the US, not just the West, but for the whole world. It’s a tiny little closed place; a nanny state that needs to constantly import slave labor to keep the standards of living high for the unproductive; a place that has devoted far too much of it’s riches to glitz and glamour than to permanent infrastructure.

Look at Dubai, and consider that what’s happening there now will be writ large across the world if we don’t get off our asses and build a few hundred terawatts of modern nuclear powerplants, right quick.  And follow that up with some serious space industrialization.

 Posted by at 10:01 pm

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