Apr 102009

A “false flag” operation is one in which a military force pretends to be the *other* guy, and then causes trouble for their own side… the idea being that the press will dutifully report that The Other Guy has caused trouble for Our Side, and we better go and kick their ass. For the 9-11 Truthers, the 9-11 attacks were jsut such an operation… a CIA/Mossad/Zeta Reticulan Space Lizard operation designed to make Muslims look bad so we could go and steal their oil. That was, of course, pure bullshit, but it’d nevertheless believed by many.

The irony here is that the kind of people most likely to believe that 9-11 was a “false flag” (leftist whackjobs) are likely to engage in their own “false flag” operations in the coming days…

ACORN, HuffPo Organizing Efforts to Infiltrate Tax Day Tea Parties

On Fox News Channel’s April 7 “Your World,” host Neil Cavuto reported that the Tax Day tea party protests on April 15 will be “infiltrated” by their political opponents and led by left-wing activist organizations. He specifically named Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).

“Only eight days before a nationwide tea party, some over-caffeinated crashers aiming to lay waste to it,” Cavuto said. “Reports of very well-organized infiltrators trying to mix in and rain on this parade. Talk about taxing.”

Left-wingers have become experts at protests , while right-wingers are kinda naive about such things. Let’s face it: when was the last time you saw rightwingers protesting in the sorts of numbers that left-wing anti-war/globalization/Bush/capitalism/etc rallies had? Right-wingers just generally don’t go in for that sort of thing in the US. Perhaps having something to do with, oh, I dunno, maybe having *jobs* or something. But leftist agitators and “civic organizers” and such are downright geniuses at it. So it’s only natural that they’ll want to disrupt the “tea parties.” And not by wading in with Union thugs and busting heads. No, the way to ruin the effectiveness of a “tea party” is to make the experience look like the racist ravings of right wingnuts. This can be done by pretending to be:

1) Racists (“get rid of the Mexicans/whatever,” with likely use of racial epithets)

2) Theocrats (“Let’s get rid of the atheists/Jews/Muslims/whatever”)

3) Creationists (“Darwin is at fault for the economy!”)

4) Conspiracy nuts (“The Jews/Bildebergers/Illuminatti are behind the economy”)

5) Militant gun nuts (“Let’s start shooting people who disagree with the Right”)

6) Generic loons (“Ron Paul won the election!”)

So if you’re at a “tea party” and someone like this starts spouting up, make *damn* sure that you do your best to surround them with signs pointing them out as leftist infiltrators. Film not only them, but the people around them… and keep filming them even after they have been expelled or shut up (if they ever do). Because there’s this little feature:

In fact, The Huffington Post has even set up a Web site for so-called citizen journalists to infiltrate the protests.

“The Huffington Post wants to have citizen journalists at as many of these events as possible,” Arthur Delaney wrote for The Huffington Post on April 7. “If you think you’d be interested in attending one of the Tea Parties and reporting back to us with dispatches, photos, or video, click here to sign up. We’ll contact you shortly with further instructions.”

There are going to be *two* types of leftists at these parties: those behaving like Hollywood stereotype rightwinguts… and those with videocameras trained on them, ready to show that jackholery to the world.

Those behind the tea parties seem to have a childlike innocence of what they are really up against:

John O’Hara, organizer of the Chicago Tea Party said he wasn’t worried either about these sorts of efforts and specifically named ACORN, calling them out of touch with mainstream America.

“Neil, I’m not worried about it at all,” O’Hara said. “This is a genuine grassroots movement. If ACORN wants to send some of their paid, pretend activists to show up – that’s fine. They don’t have a message that resonates with the American people or resonates with this broad coalition that’s upset with this spending that’s going on in Washington.”

John, the problem won’t be the ACORN types who show up waving the Che Guevara “More Socialism Now” signs. Really, they won’t. The problem will be the ACORN types who show up looking to destroy the tea party from within.

 Posted by at 7:00 pm

  One Response to “Forthcoming “False Flag” operations”

  1. Welcome all who come to infiltrate or otherwise…
    If your message is worth its salt, and you have (I may be going out on a limb here) any intelligence, you may have a hope of reaching, or at least further confusing some of them. Have information ready to pass out and attempt to engage them verbally… As long as you are not grossly outnumbered you should escape unharmed… If anything does happen, don’t expect the lawmen to come to your rescue, welcome to the OBAMA-NATION.

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