Apr 082009

From the AP comes a story to set your head a-scratchin’. The summary:

1) Your baby is DOOMED. It’s going to die soon, no matter what you do.

2) Some other kid in the same hospital is also DOOMED, unless it gets a new heart. *Just* like the one your kid has.

3) The other kid is fading fast.

4) Your kid, however is fading slowly.

Do you kill your kid to save the other kid?

 Posted by at 6:38 pm

  3 Responses to “Your ethical quandary for the day”

  1. Let em both die and let god sort it out.

  2. I’m going to go with the utilitarian answer: yes, yes you do. And anyone who can’t bring themselves to do it still has my full support and compassion.

  3. Darwin says the other kid dies. God says the other kid dies (or he wouldn’t be dyin’ right?). Now if you’re a self-hating, liberal hippy you kill them both because they might damage the fragile ecosystem with their poisonous exhalations.

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