Dec 122011

Oy vey.

Members Of Christian Paramilitary ‘Savior Unit’ Charged For Home Invasion


Two charged in Gautier home invasion; investigation continues

Police confiscated an operations manual for the para-military group that calls itself Tactical Search Unit (TSU) of The Savior Unit and states that its purpose is to “promote Christ, obtain offenders who are a danger to society, do community service work for churches and halfway houses, and do security for different functions.”

As one of the commenters on the news site says:

Tactical Search Unit (TSU) of The Savior Unit? Really? I’m not sure there’s a “Book of SWAT” in the New Testament.

What’s not described in adequate detail is *why* these paragons of virtue decided to go a-burgling. Was it a matter of a couple of friends out to score some cash… or was it because they felt the people in the house weren’t sufficiently Godly? Neither is particularly heartwarming… but both can be Biblically justified if you know where to look.

I suspect that they got a lot of their paramilitareligious training from the Book of Armaments.

 Posted by at 10:17 am

  6 Responses to “Watch out! Christians!!!”

  1. Expect more of these stories every week as the election of 2012 approaches. The goal is to make everyone who isn’t a paid Obama shill look like a dangerous Christian terrorist lunatic.

  2. It would appear that another difference between Muslims and Christians is that, when they are practicing violence, Christians do it without focus and with children.

  3. Christian Terrorists at work in your society..

    Funny how people will automatically claim any Muslim who commits a crime is a “Terrorist” yet when Christians commit crimes they are described as “burglars” or “home invaders”.

    • The US is majority Christian. Thus any crime is very likely to have been committed by a Christian, and probably for reasons unrelated to religion. In this particular case, there’s insufficient data in the story to come to a conclusion as to why they did what they did, but on the surface it sounds like run of the mill crime.

      In contrast, someone opening fire in a shopping mall, or beheading someone, or setting off a bomb, is *not* run of the mill crime, and it’s therefore fair to consider whether their religion had something to do with it.

  4. Yet as I said, whenever a Muslim commits a crime, no matter whether or not it is actually connected to their religious beliefs they are immediately branded “Terrorists” by those in the Media and the Commentariat who are Islamophobic. Christians on the otherhand are given the benefit of the doubt. Is it no wonder that Muslims feel they are under siege, no matter what happens when someone who just happens to share the same religious tag as they do and who shouts, “Allahu Akbar!” while they pull the trigger?

    The US may be majority Christian but most American Christians seem to have forgotten the New Testament teachings of Christ in favour of the Old Testament teachings of Moses.

  5. > whenever a Muslim commits a crime, no matter whether or not it is actually connected to their religious beliefs they are immediately branded “Terrorists”

    Depends on the crime. Stick up a 7-11? Not terrorism. Behead your daughter? Terrorist. Shrug.

    > who are Islamophobic

    No such thing. A “phobia” is an irrational fear, such as being afraid of rabbits or clowns. “Islamophobia” is a term invented to disparage anyone who recognizes that Islam is a religion at odds with western civilization.

    > Is it no wonder that Muslims feel they are under siege

    Of course they do. They are being constantly told they are. And yet the FBI stats say otherwise.

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