Dec 122011

Especially if you are a sci-fi writer:

List of Known Trans-Neptunian Objects

(and other outer solar system objects)

A list of asteroids, planetoids, Kuiper Belt Objects and such floating around past Neptune. Includes basic orbital elements, brightness, diameter and any known moons that they may have.


List Of Transneptunian Objects

Similar to previous.


Current Impact Risks

Keep tabs on the rocks out there that will KILL US ALL.


JPL Orbit Diagrams

Related to the Impact Risks page, this provides Java-based 3-D orbit diagrams of asteroids and planets. Zoom in and out, rotate around, animate them forward and backwards in time, watch how DOOM WILL COME AND SMACK EARTH UPSIDE THE HEAD.


Atomic Rockets

If you want to write science fiction involving spacecraft, spaceflight or space battles, and you want it to be scientifically plausible, and you don’t have a relevant college degree… you’d be an unforgivable chump if you don’t pay a whole lot of attention to this website.


Extra-Solar Planets Catalog

There are more of them than you might think… 708 as I write this. Cataloglists planets based on discovery means… direct imaging, microlensing, astrometry, etc.


Earth Impact Effects Program

Enter the basic data of the DOOM-BRINGING rock or comet, and find out just how big of a hole it’s going to make in the Earth, and just how big that blast is going to be.


Did I miss any? Yes. yes, I did. Feel free to add relevant links to the comments.  I will add more to this listing as they occur to me (or commented links that I think are especially good).

 Posted by at 9:50 am

  4 Responses to “Pages to bookmark”


    Perfect for making sure that your ship/station with rotational pseudogravity is plausible.

  2. The has a pretty good general topics area as well.

    I’d add for his plane histories and for military info. The ‘Big Book of Warfare’ section is not to be missed. Its got some space link stuff too.

  3. I sent the Impact Risk link, every now and then, to a couple of women who worry too much about the risk.

  4. Don’t forget: (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association — tons of great material for writers) (The best contest for aspiring writers) (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction) (Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine) (Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine) (Writer’s Digest Magazine) (Orson Scott Card’s website — a good resource for writers)

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