Nov 182011

Axe Deodorant Ad Banned for Offending Christians

Ad features Hot Models dressed as “angels” falling from the sky and removing their halos in order to chase after some goober who just hosed himself down with some Axe-brand stinkpretty. Some goofball in South Africa decides that this offends his delicate religious sensibilities, so the SA government bans the commercial.


 Posted by at 1:32 pm

  7 Responses to “Oh, boo friggen’ hoo”

  1. While I agree with your sentiment I actually find reason to be happy about this. Christianity is probably the only realistic opposing force to Islam, especially in the Third World. Christianity is advancing by leaps and bounds in Africa, and the center of Christendom is likely to be south of the equator for the foreseeable future. Better a Christian (if overly puritanical) South than an Islamic one.

  2. An African Christianity that sets itself up as easily offended and power-mad as Islam is not a heart warming thought.

    In general, the best approach to an evil ideology is not a slightly less evil ideology, but to squash the evil ideology directly. The best approach a civilization can take to someone demanding that the government protect his religious sensibilities is mockery, when said sensibilities are in conflict with secular society. Regardless of what religion that is.

  3. As a Christian, I find nothing offensive about this ad. These “angels” bear about as much resemblance to the real thing as the Underwood Deviled Ham Devil bears to the real Prince of Darkness.

    That being said, secular society would not exist without religion. There is not, never was, and never will be a purely materialist/rationalist society. (It’s been tried. It didn’t work out well.) Even in Japan, surely the most atheistic of nations, they believe in the kami.

    Catholic Christianity is the only force that has ever pushed Islam out of a conquered territory. It is the only force that can do so now.

    In every country, the government has the duty to protect the culture, for without it the country would no longer exist. No country can be multicultural. That is a recipe for civil war, as we have seen and are seeing all over the world.

    “[T]he “masses” do not produce culture. The people do, when they cherish and preserve and pass along to their descendants what is most dear to them… most important, their worship. There is no culture without cultus. Without a common belief in God or the gods, you do not get ancient Athens and the Parthenon atop its rocky mount.” – Anthony Esolen

    My opinion, and I’ll leave it at that. Thanks for the opportunity to comment.

    • That being said, secular society would not exist without religion.

      That is rather like saying that astronomy would not exist without astrology. Trivially true, but misses the point that astrology is bunk.

  4. >These “angels” bear about as much resemblance to the real thing as the Underwood Deviled Ham Devil bears to the real Prince of Darkness.

    Angels have been portrayed rather oddly since the middle ages, when they got turns into friendly winged girly-men, where previously they were none of those.

    > It’s been tried. It didn’t work out well.

    Actually, the US has worked out reasonably well as a rationalist/materialist system. The people are largely religious, but the foundational documents and principles of the nation are as agnostic as you can get. Compare America’s official agnosticism with officially religious nations like Britain (spent centuries conquering every patch of ground they could), Nazis Germany (see the “Gott Mitt Uns” and “positive Christianity” of *their* foundational documents) or the Soviet Union, with it’s “historical dialectic” religious worship of The State.

    > Catholic Christianity is the only force that has ever pushed Islam out of a conquered territory.

    Tell that to the British and the Israelies. I suspect you’ll be able to tell that to the Indians, Chinese and Russians.

    > No country can be multicultural.

    And yet the US and Switzerland have managed to pull it off, within certain rather broad limits. The Roman Empire succeeded with multiculturalism for quite a number of centuries.

    India and China lasted for millenia more or less as monocultures. And like a monoculture of taters or bananas, they showed that such a system is wonderful if you like “static,” and doesn’t stand up well to competition.

    > Without a common belief in God or the gods, you do not get ancient Athens and the Parthenon atop its rocky mount.

    Nor do you get Socrates being executed for blasphemy, the Platonist/Pythagoreans suppression the scientific method and setting the progress of mankind back by more than a millenium, perhaps two.

  5. AXE has also similar problems in Italy, Poland Spain Portugal

    not the only one with that kind of problems
    BENETTON strike back with very controversial advertisement “Unhate”
    Pope Bendict XVI kissing with Egyptian Imam Ahmed el Tayyeb
    US President Obama kissing Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez.

    The united fanatics of all color are outrage…

  6. I am faintly surprised no women’s group didn’t arise and damn the advertiser for depicting women as being so easily led to do something that would reduce their status.

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