Forget “Batman meets Spiderman” or “Robocop meets Terminator,” behold “Matrix meets Office Space.”
[youtube XkDHDYy_9cE]
Forget “Batman meets Spiderman” or “Robocop meets Terminator,” behold “Matrix meets Office Space.”
[youtube XkDHDYy_9cE]
What do we have here?
Why, it’s a C-17 accidentally landing at the wrong airport. More importantly, it’s a really *small* airport, with a runway too short for a C-17 to technically take off from:
[youtube IaqVan6vnIs]
So, what do you do if you’re the USAF and you have a cargo plane on a too-short runway? Well, you unload the cargo, replace the Dumbass Pilot with a Hotshot Pilot, and tell the rulebook about what runway length is needed to Get Bent.
[youtube 805M1svwp_8]
[youtube y6g91O-jaT4]
[youtube UQqSgz1OgNE]
[youtube LEYuG7ouO9I]
[youtube HILFkFKtV9o]
This year, once again Americans are faced with a choice between a Douche and a Turd Sandwich. Even so, it’s not over-difficult… Romney is about as uninspiring as you can get and has a political track record that makes conservatives cringe, but Obama is clearly a disaster. So, “Anybody But Obma” leads inexorably to Romney.
But Romney is just, just terrible at inspiring speechifyin’. So, how do you make a successful political ad for him? By having Anybody But Romney do most of the talking. And here I think they did an effective job:
[youtube sNHeTwoy5vI]
If the Romney campaign can keep the focus of the campaign on Obama, I think he’ll do quite well.
I’ve flown UA. I’m not exactly a fan. But this guys story could cause them some serious trouble… a US military veteran (Iraq) with PTSD, traumatic brain injury and a service dog gets stuck at the airport for *48* hours, gets his service dog kicked by UA staff *twice,* and then insulted by a UA staffer. Obviously hard to say if that’s necessarily accurate, since it’s just his word, but true or not, I’m sure the US PR folks are going to go into overtime.
Here’s a hint: a wounded veteran and his service dog should get *preferential* treatment, not abuse. When you have limited seating, say, and you’re faced with a wounded veteran, a veteran with a CMH, a lawyer and a politician… seat the wounded vet first. Then the guy with the CMH. Then hand the lawyer and the politician clubs with nails in them, and tell them whoever lives gets service next.
[youtube xr93KI6vaKE]
‘Goat man’ spotted in mountains of northern Utah
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) – A man spotted dressed in a goat suit among a herd of wild goats in the mountains of northern Utah has wildlife officials worried he could be in danger as hunting season approaches.
I’ve never seen a full episode of CSI. But didn’t they have one wherein some “furry” got hit by a car or shot or something? This sounds like someone just *begging* to catch a bullet.
I have this artwork… and nothing else. It depicts a VTOL aircraft that apparently uses augmenter technology for vertical thrust, and has an air cushion landing system. These would seem to place the design in the late 1960′s, maybe early 1970′s. That was when Bell was pushing air cushion landing systems hard… and before the spectacular failure of the augmenter-wing XFV-12.
It seems to be armed to the teeth with guns, but doesn’t seem to have space for much of anything else.
Back in May, I opened up a little funding effort to help me replace an ancient computer that went kaput on me (SEE HERE).The idea was simple: you give me money, I give you stuff. “Stuff” in this case being as-yet undeveloped diagrams and materials related to Space Station V; the more money you give me, the more stuff I send you. The idea worked; I got a new computer funded, and the SSV project is underway.
The plan was that that would be it for the SSV project. Since then several people have inquired about getting onboard, and I’ve been reluctant to reopen. Well…
Today I spent the day attempting to sell my photos to the art-buying public. It was… a disaster. Not only did I not sell, I spent a lot for the privilege. D’oh. I had been hoping beyond hope that today might help me pay for a new camera to replace the 2009-vintage one I’m using. Instead, I dug myself a financial hole. Whoopee.
So, I’m re-opening the SSV project to those who are interested, for a week or so. I’m limiting it to the $100 and $150 options (as described HERE). A difference from the original is that I am going to take a stab at large format cyanotype blueprints of my SSV diagrams as an option for funders (on the proviso that if the results displease me, I can discard the notion).
So, if’n you want in, here’s your chance. Wander over to Paypal and chuck either $100 or $150 (or more, if you’re generous) my way. The restart will be open until next weekend or thereabouts.
If you do, you’ll promptly get the first part of the project, the preliminary PDF diagram set:
And so it begins:
1) ABC news reports that the Aurora, Colorado shooter, one James Holmes, may be a Tea Party member. They base this speculation on the fact that there is a Tea Partier named Jim Holmes in the Denver area. ABC News later retracts and apologizes, since it’s not the same guy. (I smell a lawsuit…)
2) Breitbart reports that the James Holmes they’ve tracked down is a registered Democrat.
3) Some “private investigator” reports that Holmes was linked with the OWS movement.
“Lone psycho whackjob,” absent any further data, seems as likely a story as any But an OWS link does make a measure of sense, since the badguys in “Dark Knight Rises” are clearly “Occupy Gotham.”
No joke:
Reports are confused, but it looks like someone wearing a gas mask went bugnuts in a theater in Aurora, Colorado, a few minutes into the new Batman movie, opening fire on the crowd with either an “assault rifle” (which, let’s face it, could mean anything) or a shotgun, and set off at least one explosive device. The shooter has apparently been caught, and rumors are he looks like an “Indian” (which *kind* of Indian is unknown as yet).
For further speculation, I can’t do better than this commenter on a the relevant thread:
Dr. Mojo PhD
2012-07-20 05:01:29 AM
It’s either radical Muslims, radical anti-Muslims, extremist Christians, extremist Jews, militant atheists, white supremacists, black supremacists, gangs, militia members, right-wing extremists, left-wing extremists, a lone nut, or several lone nuts who decided not to be lonely any more.
There, all the bases are covered.
But if it’s radical centrists, boy will I have egg on my face.
A few nights back I tried to get some late-night astrophotos. While that was a bust due to clouds and haze, something else proved interesting. Every few minutes a burst of mist would emerge from beyond the neighbors house. Lit dimly by the nearby lights, the mist would writhe around for a minute or so before it finally faded away. It was a humid night, so it could’ve been pretty much anything. It was a low-wind night, so it moved slow… and looked rather alive.