Jul 212012

Back in May, I opened up a little funding effort to help me replace an ancient computer that went kaput on me (SEE HERE).The idea was simple: you give me money, I give you stuff. “Stuff” in this case being as-yet undeveloped diagrams and materials related to Space Station V; the more money you give me, the more stuff I send you. The idea worked; I got a new computer funded, and the SSV project is underway.

The plan was that that would be it for the SSV project. Since then several people have inquired about getting onboard, and I’ve been reluctant to reopen. Well…

Today I spent the day attempting to sell my photos to the art-buying public. It was… a disaster. Not only did I not sell, I spent a lot for the privilege. D’oh. I had been hoping beyond hope that today might help me pay for a new camera to replace the 2009-vintage one I’m using. Instead, I dug myself a financial hole. Whoopee.

So, I’m re-opening the SSV project to those who are interested, for a week or so. I’m limiting it to the $100 and $150 options (as described HERE). A difference from the original is that I am going to take a stab at large format cyanotype blueprints of my SSV diagrams as an option for funders (on the proviso that if the results displease me, I can discard the notion).

So, if’n you want in, here’s your chance. Wander over to Paypal and chuck either $100 or $150 (or more, if you’re generous) my way. The restart will be open until next weekend or thereabouts.

If you do, you’ll promptly get the first part of the project, the preliminary PDF diagram set:

 Posted by at 6:48 pm