Jul 222012

What do we have here?

Why, it’s a C-17 accidentally landing at the wrong airport. More importantly, it’s a really *small* airport, with a runway too short for a C-17 to technically take off from:

[youtube IaqVan6vnIs]

So, what do you do if you’re the USAF and you have a cargo plane on a too-short runway? Well, you unload the cargo, replace the Dumbass Pilot with a Hotshot Pilot, and tell the rulebook about what runway length is needed to Get Bent.

[youtube 805M1svwp_8]

[youtube y6g91O-jaT4]

[youtube UQqSgz1OgNE]

[youtube LEYuG7ouO9I]

[youtube HILFkFKtV9o]

 Posted by at 1:01 pm