Some things are sufficiently stupid as to need no commentary to impart the extent of their stupidity. Such as:
McCarthy: NRA, Palin a part of ‘government-sponsored racism’
Some things are sufficiently stupid as to need no commentary to impart the extent of their stupidity. Such as:
McCarthy: NRA, Palin a part of ‘government-sponsored racism’
A couple of interesting videos showing the design and construction of the X-20 Dyna Soar. Includes mockup review, wind tunnel testing and static testing of the Thiokol XM-92 acceleration rocket motor.
[youtube drfcrl_vc8M]
[youtube muNYhj9DFrM]
In the Aleutians, in point of fact:
Magnitude | 7.2 |
Date-Time |
Location | 52.008°N, 171.859°W |
Depth | 62.6 km (38.9 miles) |
Somewhat unexpectedly, as of this posting there does not seem to be atsunami risk. Must’ve been the wrong type of quake/ Still, if you’re anywhere that might get stomped, keep an eye here:
Huh. This is a hell of a thing:
[youtube aP3gzee1cps]
Naki’o the dog lost all four paws to frostbite. Naki’o the dog got four prosthetic limbs, and can now run. A bit clumsily, but still…
[youtube 6z_LZWk34xI]
Well, I guess it was inevitable:
Unlike an airplane, a ship cannot be transported just anywhere (resticting it to the coasts and upa few rivers) and put on display on a simple concrete pad. And as a pure test vehicle, the innard don’t include such fun things as armories or gun turrets. And the outside is sufficiently simple as to be visually kinda dull after a few minutes. So… not much interest among the naval museums, it seems.
Might’ve made a nifty yacht, I’d bet. Just the thing for that luxury cruise past Somalia.
[youtube ZY0apW2ow6g]
A lot of interestingness here. Early on are some artists concepts of “weapons of the future” including a true “hover tank.” It looks vaguely realistic, as such things go… the bulk of the vehicle is consumed by the lift system, and the weapons load is pathetically small for the overall size of the vehicle.
The video as a whole discusses the U.S. Army Combat Development Experimentation Center, which ran simulations to determine the proper uses of and tactics for “weapons of the future.” What makes this interesting is that the “simulation” is not some computer analysis, but actual field “battles” between Friendlies and Aggressors, using actual hardware. But since the Army didn’t want their soldiers blowing each other to flinders, the simulated weapons were often… interesting. Compare the technologies used then to those used today.
And given the date (a bit vague… early 1960’s it seems), it is suprisingly racially diverse. it’s liek a black and white Bennetton ad with weaponry. Apparently this video was intended to be broadcast on TV.
Take nine minutes and give this video a watch:
[vimeo 25438650]
As bad as things are here in the US, it’s shocking to see how much worse they are in places like Britain, Canada and Australia.
Iran may be run by theocratic jackholes, but the people seem to be largely OK. There seems to be a thriving amateur astronomy community there. And since their part of the world is pretty well undeveloped, they have a good view of their night sky.
And thus, we get this:
Be sure to check out the full-rez image here: