Jun 232011

Huh. This is a hell of  a thing:

[youtube aP3gzee1cps]

 Posted by at 7:59 am

  5 Responses to “Barking Cat”

  1. I always suspecting that Cats show there “Tex Avrey” attitude,
    if we turn our back to them or go out of room…

  2. The first few seconds — the real barking — was recognized by my cat as being animal sounds. The cat noises later generated some attention focused not on the speakers but on the windows of this room.

  3. Probably trying to get the neighbor’s dog in trouble 🙂

  4. My girlfriend is house sitting for a friend and one of the cats there has a weird “meow”, like it’s trying to bark. One of the other pets there is a husky that howls more than it barks so I don’t think the cat is trying to imitate the dog.

  5. A friend of mine had this large and lazy female cat that would emit quacking sounds like a duck if you scratched it between the ears.

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