Jun 162010

Ah, good ol’ fashioned indoctrination of Dear Leader:


Be sure to watch the video… some “teacher” leading kids in a mindless, thoughtless chant about how they can be anything they want to be, using Disney-logic:

If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, then I know, I know, I know, I can achieve it.

Here’s a suggestion, teach: conceive that you can fly by sheer willpower like Superman. Believe it. Then find yourself a tall roof and prove it.

But the real topper to this display of intellectual child abuse:

For I an an Obama Scholar.

Now in this, there may be some Truth. The kids are, well,  kids. Which means they are almost certainly governed not by experience and reason, but by passions and a selfish sense of “gimme.” Now, if that doesn’t scream “Obama Scholar,” I don’t know what would.

 Posted by at 11:43 am
Jun 162010

I was recently asked if I knew anything about an “Ultra Large Launch Vehicle” concept from circa 1990 known as “EUCLID.” It was conical and powered by 18 M-1 engines, with a payload in the million-pound range. And while I’ve got nuthin’ (and Google provides no clues), there’s something about it that sounds damned familiar.

Does this ring any bells?

 Posted by at 10:02 am
Jun 152010

There are a lot of tacky, ostentatious displays of overt religiosity in the United States. For some reason, people just like to put their faith on display… something that Jesus feller had something to say about. One of the better known examples of pure tackiness is the “Touchdown Jesus,” a large statue outside the Solid Rock megachurch near Monroe, Ohio, near Interstate 75. And by “large” I mean “42 foot span between the upraised hands.” It was constructucted of an inner steel support structure covered in sculpted styrofoam, with a thin cladding of fiberglass over that.

And by “was constructed, ” I mean, “on the night of June 14, 2010, it was struck by lightning and the styrofaom and fiberglass burned to ash leaving only a scorched inner steel structure.”



What’s left has been dubbed the “Terminator Jesus,” for obvious reasons.

Well, that’s gotta be embarassing.

While getting struck and destroyed by lightning is certainly one of the more entertainingly ironic ends for this stature of Jesus, it seems to me that it was a doomed structure from the get-go. A giant outdoor construction made of styrofoam? A thin cladding of fiberglass exposed to the elements 24 hours a day, 364 days a year? Yeah, that’s not exactly the hallmark of a statue built for the ages. Sunlight is quite good as caused the resins in fiberglass to decompose and turn to mush, a process aided by water and especially the freeze/thaw cycle. And exposed styrofoam… hell, it’ll erode away in a mild wind.

If there’s anything worse than “tacky,” it’s gotta be “huge tacky.” And worse than that must be “huge CHEAP tacky.”

He is risen!

Seen nonchalantly wandering away, whistling a tune…

 Posted by at 8:11 am
Jun 142010

It’s a sufficiently scary report that you have to enter a secret code to read the news about the Zombie apocalypse. Go to newsweek.com, and enter (using the arrow keys) up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, enter.


 Posted by at 11:27 pm
Jun 142010

Seems it’s all over for another generation. So… how’s that Hope And Change workin’ out for ya?


Nasa has begun to wind down construction of the rockets and spacecraft that were to have taken astronauts back to the Moon — effectively dismantling the US human spaceflight programme despite a congressional ban on its doing so.

Legislators have accused President Obama’s Administration of contriving to slip the termination of the Constellation programme through the back door to avoid a battle on Capitol Hill.

Constellation aimed to build upon what was arguably America’s greatest technological achievement, the first lunar landing of 1969, by launching new expeditions to the Moon and to Mars and worlds beyond. Mr Obama proposed in February that it should be scrapped because it was “over budget, behind schedule and lacking in innovation”, but he has met opposition in Congress, which has yet to approve his plan.The head of Nasa, Major-General Charlie Bolden — an Obama appointee — has now written to aerospace contractors telling them to cut back immediately on Constellation-related projects costing almost $1 billion (£690 million), to comply with regulations requiring them to budget for possible contract termination costs.

Things are so bad that British journalists can’t even afford the extra Capital Letter Surcharge for “NASA.”

“The effect will be to stop work on Constellation and lay off or transfer people to other jobs. If Congress then says it wants to continue going ahead with Constellation, those people will be difficult to re-hire. It’s already a difficult situation, but this will introduce more instability.”

A common problem in the stop/start world of aerospace. Well, at least from here on things should be more consistent… stop/stop all the time.

 Posted by at 4:43 pm
Jun 142010

OK, now this is just weirdo-bizarre. Democrat Congresscritter Bob Etheridge of North Carolina is walking down the sidewalk in DC when a couple of college students point a camera at him and start asking questions (“Do you fully support the Obama agenda”). This is the sort of thing that most politicians eat up with a spoon.

Typical response: “Oh, boy, I get to be on camera!”

So how does Etheridge respond?

Physical assault.


It’s hard for me to explain this behavior without reference, at some point, to “boooooze.”



UPDATE: Etheridge gives a lame attempt at appologizing in a brief press conference:

He says “I appologize” and “no excuse” a lot, but never the best words a man in his position can say: “I resign, asit’s clear that since I’m incapable of lawful behavior in polite society, I should have no role in creating the law.”

 Posted by at 10:41 am