Jun 162010

Ah, good ol’ fashioned indoctrination of Dear Leader:


Be sure to watch the video… some “teacher” leading kids in a mindless, thoughtless chant about how they can be anything they want to be, using Disney-logic:

If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, then I know, I know, I know, I can achieve it.

Here’s a suggestion, teach: conceive that you can fly by sheer willpower like Superman. Believe it. Then find yourself a tall roof and prove it.

But the real topper to this display of intellectual child abuse:

For I an an Obama Scholar.

Now in this, there may be some Truth. The kids are, well,  kids. Which means they are almost certainly governed not by experience and reason, but by passions and a selfish sense of “gimme.” Now, if that doesn’t scream “Obama Scholar,” I don’t know what would.

 Posted by at 11:43 am

  4 Responses to “Obama Scholars”

  1. Coming to mind first are some images from “Triumph of Will.”

  2. Well, at least it wasn’t as bad as those kids who were singing songs to Dear Leader, or the video of people pledging to serve him. Those scared the living daylights out of me. This merely made me rather sick to my stomach.

    In other news, I was eating lunch at the window seat and saw a very nice lady walk by covered head to foot and in a face veil. In central IL. Granted we’re a college town, and someone wearing hijab in the street is not that uncommon a sight, but this was something else.

  3. Obama Youth

  4. But remember, he’s absolutely NOTHING like Hitler, and the Tea Partiers are going far beyond the bounds of acceptable debate when they make this comparison.

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