Jun 142010

It’s a sufficiently scary report that you have to enter a secret code to read the news about the Zombie apocalypse. Go to newsweek.com, and enter (using the arrow keys) up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, enter.


 Posted by at 11:27 pm

  6 Responses to “Newsweek reports: Zombies attack!”

  1. Our magic “Newsweek decoder ring” instructions?
    Hell, I’ll take the Enigma code machine emulator as being simpler to do than that: http://homepages.tesco.net/~andycarlson/enigma/enigma_j.html
    Just give me the starting wheel settings and order, and the Stecker connections, and we’ll be in business.

  2. I’m starting to think that all the jokes and satire books about the “zombie apocalypse” actually refer to more or less the same thing as Ayn Rand’s looters. Think about it: dead people who still walk, and who survive by devouring the flesh of the living. If you ever want to get a look at what the welfare state looks like when it runs out of victims, watch “Daybreakers”

  3. > If you ever want to get a look at what the welfare state looks like when it runs out of victims…

    … look at Greece.

  4. That too, of course.

  5. Can anyone say: “Communist Revolution Coming Up In Greece?”
    Maybe if all the Greek “minds” went and hid in a cave under Mount Olympus…

  6. Or in a mountain hideaway in Colorado….

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