Sep 242019

The one where Gropey Joe does his best Grandpa Simpson impression and rambles incoherently. If he was a Republican, this story would be considered massively racist and the Cancel Culture Warriors would be out in force.

Keep in mind that this goofy old man is leading the pack of Dems. Just *imagine* the twelve-hour state of the union addresses…

Yeesh. This is politics in America, Current Year. A guy who if he’s not senile, is certainly doing a damned fine impression of it; a guy who wants to turn America into a police state where his minions go door-to-door to arrest tens of millions of gun owners; another one who wants to nuke American cities; a woman who rode stories of Indians in her distant past to gain undeserved benefits; a woman who’s stuck in Pyramid power; another goofy old man who thinks that breadlines are a good thing. *These* are the people  the Democrats think would make good leaders of the free world. Guh.



 Posted by at 11:16 am
Sep 142019

I get a subtle hint here that Tim Pool is not a fan of Beto O’Rourke:

Yeah, O’Rourke defeats the lie that “nobody wants to take your guns.” He is quite open about the fact that he wants to make sure that the ability to commit violence is restricted solely to the government and to the criminals; the vast majority of the citizenry is, in his view, to be rendered defenseless.

Yes, Beto is a terrible human being, an example of the worst form of power-mad wannabe tyrant that genetics and upbringing can produce. But he is also a has-been nobody, with no chance of getting the Dem nomination. Like Swalwell, he’s a little more than a jumped -up streetcorner sign-waver, desperately trying to get people to pay attention to him.

The bigger issue here is that the Democratic party and the other candidates are not denouncing him and his proposed policies. At most they are annoyed that he has produced a readily repeated sound bite that will doubtless be used by people who do *NOT* want to disarm and neuter the populace. The Dems aren’t shouting their support for the Constitution or the people’s rights. They are not calling for O’Roarke and Swalwell to be run out of the party on a rail. This is important. The likes of O’Roarke and Swalwell are *gleeful* in their desire to enact laws that they know full well are not only unConstitutional, but which will set the people against the government and *will* lead to bloodshed. The likes of O’Roarke and Swalwell and Warren and Breadline are pushing for or accepting of policies that will, for no good purpose, push the US towards another Civil War. And the likes of Swalwell have already “joked” about using weapons of mass destruction against American population centers in order to terrorize the remaining beaten populace into kowtowing to the will of a totalitarian government. As much as the media likes to scream about how Trump caters to racists via dog whistles, the Dems actually support, defend and protect the genocidal anti-Semites in their midst and the civil-warmongering democidal monsters like O’Roarke. Note not just the nonsensical fear-mongering blather that idiot-child Beto spews forth here, but also listen to the crowd: when he says “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15,” the crowd of Dem whackjobs in attendance goes nuts with joyful applause at the notion of a government that sweeps across the land kicking in doors and shooting homeowners, leading to the worst democide this side of the Soviet era.

Never forget that.



 Posted by at 6:43 pm
Aug 292019

From Ol’ Blighted, the latest innovation in political correctness: banning depictions of people being people.

Volkswagen and Philadelphia cream cheese ads banned over gender stereotypes

A lot of Americans think of Britain as a slightly eccentric yet still free country. But… it’s not, really. They do not have a written constitution as such; the government can basically do whatever they feel like doing, and they’ve made the ultimately suicidal mistake of assuming that Parliament will always come down on the side of sense and reason. But Britain has themselves an “Advertising Standards Agency” that feels it can ban commercials that show stereotypically (i.e. historically and biologically and culturally accurate) gendered activities. In this case, a commercial that shows a woman in a park with a baby carriage “engaged in a stereotypical care-giving role.”

One would hope that this sort of thing, like the despicable Canadian “Human Rights Tribunals” would be impossible in the United States. But don’t bet on it. The Chinese “social credit” system would be illegal for the government to enact, but it’s something definitely to watch out for among major financial and communications companies. I can see American broadcasters enacting such restrictions themselves just to keep the shrieking harpies of social justice conformity off their backs for ten seconds until the next outrage.

 Posted by at 2:46 am
Aug 252019

Here’s what we know: the mother and father in law of a 15-year-old girl find a strange 17-year-old male in the daughters bedroom closet at 2:30 AM; the trespasser then strikes the mother. The parents then the beat the tar out of him, tie him up, call the bio-father and eventually the cops. These parents – who I suspect *most* parents of teenage girls would agree did basically the right thing, are now facing *LIFETIME* prison sentences for – according to the actual criminal in this story – saying naughty words to him.

Note that in the video in the link below, the government authority refers to the violent trespasser as the “victim” and the homeowners as the “suspects.” Ye gods does California suck.

 Posted by at 9:42 pm
Aug 212019

The domestic terrorists at Antifa and the hate group Democratic Socialists have, through hacking, lies and threats of violence, arson and death, caused a the venue for an anti-racism event in a small town in New Jersey to pull out:

South Jersey theater cancels event about race relations amid threats from anti-fascist protesters

Once again, the “anti-fascists” show that they are the modern fascists.

Interestingly, the news media is covering this story in various ways, including narratives symathetic to the actual terrorists:

Groups work together to shut down Minds New Jersey event in Pitman

The “groups” here are not once described to be the violent hateful thugs that they are, but the event certainly is.

Some relevant videos by some of the non-insane people involved:

If there is anyone reading this who wants to make a name for themselves in the world of journalism, I have a story suggestion for you. It would be a potentially difficult one to research, and if you get anywhere with it your life will be in danger… but if you succeed, you’ll have one of the biggest stories of the century. The story is this: are groups like Antifa and the Progressive Democrats and the Democratic Socialists being puppetmastered by Putin and the Kremlin? Is this a new development, or is it a continuation of a Soviet-era effort to undermine American civic values and respect for social norms and democratic principles? Or is it a revival of a Soviet-era program that was killed off by the fall of the Soviet Union, and only revived in recent years? Does it goes beyond Russian tomfoolery with social media, or is there more direct involvement, such as substantial funds being handed over? Are the people of Antifa and the DS merely f*%^ing idiots, or are they outright traitors?

Journalists: do your damn jobs and find out.


 Posted by at 6:05 pm
Aug 202019

I had a number of comments to make about the intelligence, ethics, parentage and proper handling/punchability of the domestic terrorists known as “Antifa,” but upon reflection I’ve decided that discretion is the better part of avoiding potential issues, and I’ll just leave this here.  Once again, free advice for the Trump 2020 campaign… the Dems don’t condemn Antifa. Record & broadcast for campaign ads.

If you are not anti-Communist, you’re a Communist, and that means you are to be not only suspected of wanting to commit another Holodomor, you are to be held liable for the last one *and* the other hundred million or so people murdered by Communism in the name of kleptocracy and totalitarianism.

 Posted by at 10:01 am
Aug 132019

There’s something just absolutely fantastic about this story:

Monsters, men and magic: why feminists turned to witchcraft to oppose Trump

If you must have opponents, you want them to be ineffectual. And magic and witchcraft are about as ineffectual as you can get… what with them being non-functional bunkum. if someone hated me, I’d far rather have them placing hexes on me or burning effigies of me or jabbing needles into voodoo dolls, than having them taking up arms or even just voting against me. Come election day, stay in your prayer circle, light some herbs on fire and chant gibberish. Thanks. That’d be great.

What’s especially awesome is that the Guardian newspaper ran this piece, and either didn’t know or didn’t care that the author actually seems to think that witchcraft is a valid way of creating physical change in the world. That the author is an idiot is apparent right up front where she claims that witchcraft – here seemingly indistinguishable from Wicca with a fresh coat of third wave radical feminism slapped on it – is an “ancient pagan art.” Ancient rarely ever means “dates all the way back to the 1920’s,” but that’s what modern witchcraft is: a load of commercial spiritualism created in the 20’s and 30’s using some of the iconography of the older – and largely basically lost – witch-beliefs of Europe.

You wanna be a Wiccan, hey, knock yourself out. It is, for the moment, sort of a free country. Just don’t BS anybody, yourself included, that it’s more than any other religion: rituals and such that make you feel better, but which don’t work any better than examining bird entrails or praying viral infections away.

If you believe that your power comes from magic (or, more insufferably, from magick), then you have no power. Magic, conjuring, the supernatural… these are all less than useless when it comes to doing anything of use or value. They might make you feel good; but then, so might playing the slots or taking a drag. Time, effort and funds spent on honing your magical abilities is time spent becoming less powerful, more useless.

There is a fire on the horizon. You can see it burning, out on the edges of the world. The violence we have survived can be our guide to what needs to change. The fire that burned the witches can be the fire that lights our way. Our power is waiting for us, out in forbidden spaces, beyond the world of men. Step forward and claim it. Step forward into the boundless and female dark.

Hey, here’s a thought: maybe we can somehow convince the gun-grabbers that their years of legal and political efforts towards disarming the civilian populace have failed, and that they need to try magic now. Get them to devote their time and effort to hexing firearms to make them vanish.

 Posted by at 2:47 am
Aug 122019

Chris Cuomo, who seems to have no concept of self control when confronted with anything less than fawning obeisance:

I look forward with great interest to watching future guests on his show refer to him as “Fredo.” Or, perhaps “Frodo.”


 Posted by at 7:21 pm
Aug 102019

I may be running this incident into the ground, but *dayum* is this longer video a hoot to watch. It’s amazing – thought perhaps not surprising – the levels these morons go to to fetishize weakness. A few questions consequently demand answering:

1) How are they going to handle all the firings squads, death camps and gulags they’ll need in order to impose their ideology on sane people if they cannot stand *chatter* without losing their little minds? How will they concentrate on the Five Year Plan when the air is filled with the screams of dying millions?

2) How do these chaotic goobers think they’re going to be able to organize a Revolution if they can’t figure out how to vote?

3) Is the Trump reelection campaign smart enough to use clips from this in their ads?

 Posted by at 2:30 am