Aug 212019

The domestic terrorists at Antifa and the hate group Democratic Socialists have, through hacking, lies and threats of violence, arson and death, caused a the venue for an anti-racism event in a small town in New Jersey to pull out:

South Jersey theater cancels event about race relations amid threats from anti-fascist protesters

Once again, the “anti-fascists” show that they are the modern fascists.

Interestingly, the news media is covering this story in various ways, including narratives symathetic to the actual terrorists:

Groups work together to shut down Minds New Jersey event in Pitman

The “groups” here are not once described to be the violent hateful thugs that they are, but the event certainly is.

Some relevant videos by some of the non-insane people involved:

If there is anyone reading this who wants to make a name for themselves in the world of journalism, I have a story suggestion for you. It would be a potentially difficult one to research, and if you get anywhere with it your life will be in danger… but if you succeed, you’ll have one of the biggest stories of the century. The story is this: are groups like Antifa and the Progressive Democrats and the Democratic Socialists being puppetmastered by Putin and the Kremlin? Is this a new development, or is it a continuation of a Soviet-era effort to undermine American civic values and respect for social norms and democratic principles? Or is it a revival of a Soviet-era program that was killed off by the fall of the Soviet Union, and only revived in recent years? Does it goes beyond Russian tomfoolery with social media, or is there more direct involvement, such as substantial funds being handed over? Are the people of Antifa and the DS merely f*%^ing idiots, or are they outright traitors?

Journalists: do your damn jobs and find out.


 Posted by at 6:05 pm