Sep 142019

I get a subtle hint here that Tim Pool is not a fan of Beto O’Rourke:

Yeah, O’Rourke defeats the lie that “nobody wants to take your guns.” He is quite open about the fact that he wants to make sure that the ability to commit violence is restricted solely to the government and to the criminals; the vast majority of the citizenry is, in his view, to be rendered defenseless.

Yes, Beto is a terrible human being, an example of the worst form of power-mad wannabe tyrant that genetics and upbringing can produce. But he is also a has-been nobody, with no chance of getting the Dem nomination. Like Swalwell, he’s a little more than a jumped -up streetcorner sign-waver, desperately trying to get people to pay attention to him.

The bigger issue here is that the Democratic party and the other candidates are not denouncing him and his proposed policies. At most they are annoyed that he has produced a readily repeated sound bite that will doubtless be used by people who do *NOT* want to disarm and neuter the populace. The Dems aren’t shouting their support for the Constitution or the people’s rights. They are not calling for O’Roarke and Swalwell to be run out of the party on a rail. This is important. The likes of O’Roarke and Swalwell are *gleeful* in their desire to enact laws that they know full well are not only unConstitutional, but which will set the people against the government and *will* lead to bloodshed. The likes of O’Roarke and Swalwell and Warren and Breadline are pushing for or accepting of policies that will, for no good purpose, push the US towards another Civil War. And the likes of Swalwell have already “joked” about using weapons of mass destruction against American population centers in order to terrorize the remaining beaten populace into kowtowing to the will of a totalitarian government. As much as the media likes to scream about how Trump caters to racists via dog whistles, the Dems actually support, defend and protect the genocidal anti-Semites in their midst and the civil-warmongering democidal monsters like O’Roarke. Note not just the nonsensical fear-mongering blather that idiot-child Beto spews forth here, but also listen to the crowd: when he says “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15,” the crowd of Dem whackjobs in attendance goes nuts with joyful applause at the notion of a government that sweeps across the land kicking in doors and shooting homeowners, leading to the worst democide this side of the Soviet era.

Never forget that.



 Posted by at 6:43 pm