Aug 292019

From Ol’ Blighted, the latest innovation in political correctness: banning depictions of people being people.

Volkswagen and Philadelphia cream cheese ads banned over gender stereotypes

A lot of Americans think of Britain as a slightly eccentric yet still free country. But… it’s not, really. They do not have a written constitution as such; the government can basically do whatever they feel like doing, and they’ve made the ultimately suicidal mistake of assuming that Parliament will always come down on the side of sense and reason. But Britain has themselves an “Advertising Standards Agency” that feels it can ban commercials that show stereotypically (i.e. historically and biologically and culturally accurate) gendered activities. In this case, a commercial that shows a woman in a park with a baby carriage “engaged in a stereotypical care-giving role.”

One would hope that this sort of thing, like the despicable Canadian “Human Rights Tribunals” would be impossible in the United States. But don’t bet on it. The Chinese “social credit” system would be illegal for the government to enact, but it’s something definitely to watch out for among major financial and communications companies. I can see American broadcasters enacting such restrictions themselves just to keep the shrieking harpies of social justice conformity off their backs for ten seconds until the next outrage.

 Posted by at 2:46 am