Jan 152020

… it’s that they’re working to bring one about. Behold some recent news stories:

Bernie 2020 Field Organizer States “F***ing Cities Will Burn” if Trump Wins Re-Election; Calls for Violence, Mass Murder of Opposition, and “Reign of Terror”

Sure, this isn’t Bernie himself calling for violence and extolling the virtues of gulags; it’s just a low-level campaign worker. But then… an EVEN LOWER-LEVEL Bernie supporter took it upon himself to try to kill as many elected Republicans as he could, so it’s hardly unlikely that even more people who support Bernie’s democidal policies will decide that active measures are just what’s needed.

A modest proposal to save American democracy

Where the far-left online rag Vox extolls the virtues of a plan that would chop up Washington D.C. into more than a hundred little divisions… each of which would be admitted to the Union as a State, each with one representative and two Senators. By chopping up D.C. into 150 new states – some little bigger than a housing development – then D.C. *alone* could determine all future American policies. The rest of the states, even if they banded together and voted as a unified bloc, would not have enough votes to over-ride what the Democrats of D.C. want to do in the Senate.

W.Va. Senate votes to invite Frederick Co., Va., to become part of Mountain State

Why is West Virginia inviting counties from Virginia to join West Virginia? Because those Virginia counties are “Second Amendment Sanctuary” counties, a response to the new Democrat majority’s scheme to strip Virginians of the Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.


So… we’ve got supporters of one of the main Democratic candidates openingly advocating for democide. We’ve got professional left-wing agitprop organizations calling for an obscene “packing” of the House and Senate. We’ve got Democrats in Virginia passing laws so egregiously anti-American that neighboring states are willing to takes in whole counties.


Look, I’ve said it before: anyone who thinks that a new civil war would be *any* kind of a good thing is either an idiot or a maniac. yes, the sane civilians in the US are the ones who largely have the firearms… but it’s not just civilians who are armed. A very large number of government employees are armed to the teeth and many of them, like Representative Swalwell, would be more than happy to pull the trigger on their fellow citizens. A new civil war would not be some glorious adventure; it would be a blood-soaked descent into the end of civilization, quite possibly on a planetary scale. So anyone who is actually advocating policies that drive people towards war like this should be viewed with *extreme* distrust.


 Posted by at 10:43 am
Jan 122020

Elizabeth Warren, Democratic party policy spokesmodel, has some interesting ideas on how destroying the American economy while letting China and India and Russia and Africa spew out all the CO2 they want can save the world:

Warren Says She’s Willing To Ban Construction of New Homes in America

“That means we’ve got to be willing to do things, for example, like regulation. By 2028, no new buildings, no new houses, without a zero carbon footprint.”

Go ahead. I double-dog dare you to come up with a construction method that somehow produces as much energy as it consumes. And then tell me what you can make a house out of that is “carbon neutral.”

 Posted by at 9:46 pm
Dec 252019

Gimmy the Winter Solstice Goblin has a gift for the people of Virginia:

Virginia Governor Northam Increases Corrections Budget In Anticipation Of Jailing Gun Owners

Anyone with a brain recognizes that anything even *remotely* resembling a civil war in the US would be a tragedy of monumental proportions and should be avoided. The only people who might benefit from such an event would be Americas geopolitical adversaries. Which makes one wonder why the Virginia Democrats are working so hard to make another civil war happen. Perhaps the Democratic Party should be broken up under RICO statutes, and higher ranking members investigated by the FBI for possible collusion with the Russians?


 Posted by at 1:08 pm
Dec 232019

Who would have expected that *Virginia* would be the state with the most restrictive gun-grabber laws?

Repeat after these Democrat talking points:

“Nobody is coming to take your guns.” Except, of course, when they are. And in one of the most hilariously ironic headlines of the last decade…

‘The law is the law’: Virginia Democrats float prosecution and National Guard deployment if police don’t enforce gun control

Democrats have repeatedly called for making speech they disagree with illegal, for ignoring the Constitution where it suits them, for using nuclear weapons on American citizens who simply want to be left alone. How is that somehow less impeachment worthy than whatever they frak they were babbling about with Trump?

 Posted by at 8:44 pm
Oct 192019

Good jorb, California:

“Everybody Is Freaking Out”: Freelance Writers Scramble to Make Sense of New California Law

If a freelance journalist writes for a magazine, newspaper or other entity whose central mission is to disseminate the news, the law says, that journalist is capped at writing 35 “submissions” per year per “putative employer.” At a time when paid freelance stories can be written for a low end of $25 and high end of $1 per word, some meet that cap in a month just to make end’s meet.


This sure seems like a massive violation of the First Amendment, and thus should get smacked down by the Supreme Court. But then…in California pistol and rifle magazines are capped at ten rounds, so clearly the Supreme Court is cool with California putting limits on the things otherwise free people can do. Still, this *really* seems like more of a Britlander law than an American one. But it’s a California law, so…

An obvious solution presents itself, for those freelancers who can pull it off. Write the twenty stories that you normally crank out in two weeks… then submit them as one solid block. Not optimal, of course; journalism is often about what’s happening Right Now, and waiting days to weeks to turn in a story would be a killer. Another alternative: break California up into five states, one of which being a strip from San Fran down the coast past Los Angeles. Let CalCoast pass whatever craziness they want and let everyone else live like regular folks.

 Posted by at 7:59 pm
Sep 262019

Organized Retail Theft On The Rise; Cops Blame Prop 47, Safe Neighborhoods Law

California effectively decriminalized theft with a value of less than $950. Lo and behold, theft has skyrocketed.

It’s like a low-rent, 24-7 version of The Purge. I’m sufficiently cynical realistic enough to recognize that if you cease to make it seriously illegal to steal, say, TVs, a lot of people will decide to steal TVs. Makes me wonder if They legalized murder, just how many people would decide to go ahead and do it.

I do also wonder about the possible *useful* applications of laws like Prop 47. Go ahead and make retail theft essentially decriminalized, penalized solely by a minor ticket. make it known that this sort of anti-social behavior is essentially tolerated. Then, after a few years… pass another law. One that collects all the data recorded since the original law, allowing the government to simply round up everyone who has been ticketed for thefts like this. And then… strip them of citizenship and deport them. Unconstitutional? Sure. But get around that by calling it the “O’Rourke/Swalwell Nuke’ em Now Executive Order.” “Hell yes we will deport you.”

Sending a million or two people who are clearly of detriment to society somewhere else would do wonders for the crime rate… and the gene pool.

 Posted by at 7:53 pm
Sep 222019

Some of the people teaching our nations children are… not good people.

Trashing Unwoke Books

In short, a school library dumped a lot of books into a dumpster. The true cause for this is unclear; it is a sad reality that libraries often have to relieve themselves of large numbers of unwanted/unneeded/damaged books. And the further reality is that a great many, perhaps most, books are of no real great cultural or historical value, and wind up just taking up space. This is an issue I’m wrestling with myself, with the end result being that several car loads of paperbacks and a metric ᚠᚪᛣᚳᛏᚩᚾ of National Geographics will have to go to a thriftstore or, worse, the dump. This is a reality that I recognize… but it’s not one I *celebrate.* Because I’m not a gorram woke SJW who revels in the erasure of my history and culture.

In contrast:

It’s impossible to make out what’s in those dumpsters. Could very well be a boatload of multiple copies of obsolete textbooks, the loss of which is often no real loss. But to celebrate tossing them out in order to replace them with woke rubbish of no talent, skill, virtue or value is just friggen’ tragic. Worse, the person doing the celebrating…

… is the head of “English Language Arts” for the public schools in Washington Township, NJ.

Ye gods.

The rest of the article is worth reading, especially the bits about how that township has a paid position for some to oversee the implementation of “equity” and the nonsense that goes with it:

 Posted by at 7:27 pm
Sep 142019

I get a subtle hint here that Tim Pool is not a fan of Beto O’Rourke:

Yeah, O’Rourke defeats the lie that “nobody wants to take your guns.” He is quite open about the fact that he wants to make sure that the ability to commit violence is restricted solely to the government and to the criminals; the vast majority of the citizenry is, in his view, to be rendered defenseless.

Yes, Beto is a terrible human being, an example of the worst form of power-mad wannabe tyrant that genetics and upbringing can produce. But he is also a has-been nobody, with no chance of getting the Dem nomination. Like Swalwell, he’s a little more than a jumped -up streetcorner sign-waver, desperately trying to get people to pay attention to him.

The bigger issue here is that the Democratic party and the other candidates are not denouncing him and his proposed policies. At most they are annoyed that he has produced a readily repeated sound bite that will doubtless be used by people who do *NOT* want to disarm and neuter the populace. The Dems aren’t shouting their support for the Constitution or the people’s rights. They are not calling for O’Roarke and Swalwell to be run out of the party on a rail. This is important. The likes of O’Roarke and Swalwell are *gleeful* in their desire to enact laws that they know full well are not only unConstitutional, but which will set the people against the government and *will* lead to bloodshed. The likes of O’Roarke and Swalwell and Warren and Breadline are pushing for or accepting of policies that will, for no good purpose, push the US towards another Civil War. And the likes of Swalwell have already “joked” about using weapons of mass destruction against American population centers in order to terrorize the remaining beaten populace into kowtowing to the will of a totalitarian government. As much as the media likes to scream about how Trump caters to racists via dog whistles, the Dems actually support, defend and protect the genocidal anti-Semites in their midst and the civil-warmongering democidal monsters like O’Roarke. Note not just the nonsensical fear-mongering blather that idiot-child Beto spews forth here, but also listen to the crowd: when he says “Hell yes we’re going to take your AR-15,” the crowd of Dem whackjobs in attendance goes nuts with joyful applause at the notion of a government that sweeps across the land kicking in doors and shooting homeowners, leading to the worst democide this side of the Soviet era.

Never forget that.



 Posted by at 6:43 pm
Aug 292019

From Ol’ Blighted, the latest innovation in political correctness: banning depictions of people being people.

Volkswagen and Philadelphia cream cheese ads banned over gender stereotypes

A lot of Americans think of Britain as a slightly eccentric yet still free country. But… it’s not, really. They do not have a written constitution as such; the government can basically do whatever they feel like doing, and they’ve made the ultimately suicidal mistake of assuming that Parliament will always come down on the side of sense and reason. But Britain has themselves an “Advertising Standards Agency” that feels it can ban commercials that show stereotypically (i.e. historically and biologically and culturally accurate) gendered activities. In this case, a commercial that shows a woman in a park with a baby carriage “engaged in a stereotypical care-giving role.”

One would hope that this sort of thing, like the despicable Canadian “Human Rights Tribunals” would be impossible in the United States. But don’t bet on it. The Chinese “social credit” system would be illegal for the government to enact, but it’s something definitely to watch out for among major financial and communications companies. I can see American broadcasters enacting such restrictions themselves just to keep the shrieking harpies of social justice conformity off their backs for ten seconds until the next outrage.

 Posted by at 2:46 am