Jan 152020

… it’s that they’re working to bring one about. Behold some recent news stories:

Bernie 2020 Field Organizer States “F***ing Cities Will Burn” if Trump Wins Re-Election; Calls for Violence, Mass Murder of Opposition, and “Reign of Terror”

Sure, this isn’t Bernie himself calling for violence and extolling the virtues of gulags; it’s just a low-level campaign worker. But then… an EVEN LOWER-LEVEL Bernie supporter took it upon himself to try to kill as many elected Republicans as he could, so it’s hardly unlikely that even more people who support Bernie’s democidal policies will decide that active measures are just what’s needed.

A modest proposal to save American democracy

Where the far-left online rag Vox extolls the virtues of a plan that would chop up Washington D.C. into more than a hundred little divisions… each of which would be admitted to the Union as a State, each with one representative and two Senators. By chopping up D.C. into 150 new states – some little bigger than a housing development – then D.C. *alone* could determine all future American policies. The rest of the states, even if they banded together and voted as a unified bloc, would not have enough votes to over-ride what the Democrats of D.C. want to do in the Senate.

W.Va. Senate votes to invite Frederick Co., Va., to become part of Mountain State

Why is West Virginia inviting counties from Virginia to join West Virginia? Because those Virginia counties are “Second Amendment Sanctuary” counties, a response to the new Democrat majority’s scheme to strip Virginians of the Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.


So… we’ve got supporters of one of the main Democratic candidates openingly advocating for democide. We’ve got professional left-wing agitprop organizations calling for an obscene “packing” of the House and Senate. We’ve got Democrats in Virginia passing laws so egregiously anti-American that neighboring states are willing to takes in whole counties.


Look, I’ve said it before: anyone who thinks that a new civil war would be *any* kind of a good thing is either an idiot or a maniac. yes, the sane civilians in the US are the ones who largely have the firearms… but it’s not just civilians who are armed. A very large number of government employees are armed to the teeth and many of them, like Representative Swalwell, would be more than happy to pull the trigger on their fellow citizens. A new civil war would not be some glorious adventure; it would be a blood-soaked descent into the end of civilization, quite possibly on a planetary scale. So anyone who is actually advocating policies that drive people towards war like this should be viewed with *extreme* distrust.


 Posted by at 10:43 am