
May 302016

So. You have yourself a mirror, and you have yourself a ridiculous bright source of light. Maybe it’s a laser and an aiming mirror, maybe it’s the sun and a solar sail deployed at a dangerously close perihelion. Since no mirror is 100% reflective, some of the light is absorbed and the mirror temperature climbs. Assume the mirror is made out of something that can take very high temperatures (say, iridium)… so high that the mirror becomes incandescently hot without melting. So, the question is… if your shiny iridium mirror is glowing white hot… is it still a  reflector? I know that with gases, the most transparent vapor become a near-perfect absorber of incoming radiation if it’s incandescent. But how about a solid reflector?

 Posted by at 9:54 am
May 292016

Or maybe it did, in some “ironic hipster” sort of way? Hmmm…

Iraqi migrant who bought a T-shirt saying ‘I’m Muslim, don’t panic’ is hospitalised by three Islamic asylum seekers who thought he was insulting their religion 

Happened in Berlin. Two of the attackers were caught… a Syrian and a Lebanese. Make of it what you will. I’m sure some will read this news item and conclude that the message is “Hmm. Trump sucks.” Which is true, but irrelevant.

Also unrelated, this bit of news from Saudi Arabia:

Man shoots doctor who helped deliver his baby ‘because he was a man’

Mmm-hmmm ayup. Seems reasonable.

 Posted by at 8:52 am
May 292016

After a false start, the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) has been inflated. Hopefully the start of new constructions in orbit… space stations as big or bigger than ISS (in terms of available volume) in just a few Falcon 9 launches.

BEHOLD NASA’s thrill-packed video of the event, carefully edited to remove any actual movement:

 Posted by at 8:28 am
May 282016

I’m hurrying to get together the CAD diagram for the May APR Patreon Rewards package. The rest of the reward items are ready to go, but there’s still a little work to accomplish on the diagram. But rest assured it’ll be ready before the end of the month and will be sent out to current APR Patreon patrons. So if you’d be interested in the Lockheed A-1 diagram – which in the largest form is formatted for 18X24 – signed up soon! It’s only a few dollars…

So, check it out


arch-002 A-1-Model

 Posted by at 8:02 am
May 272016

A few days ago I stopped by the Cutler Marina and saw a creature in the water. Clearly this was some sort of crypto-beast… maybe a pliosaur, maybe an aquatic sasquatch, probably alien. One of the photos shows an spherical flying object… most likely an alien mothership. Alert the media!

WP_20160523_005 WP_20160523_017 WP_20160523_020 WP_20160523_030

Now I’m off to write a 400-page screed to Alex Jones and begin campaigning for Bernie Sanders.

 Posted by at 9:22 pm
May 272016

I have someone who wants me to make some CAD models for large-scale replicas, but I haven’t the necessary reference materials. Can anyone help?

1: Planck space telescope

2: ESA Exomars rover

3: Spaceship Two

Any assistance, pointers, data packages, whatever, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

 Posted by at 7:52 pm
May 262016



Probably wisely, the fusion “Epstein Drive” used by ships in the universe of “The Expanse” are not described much at all. Since the mechanics of the drive systems are not germain to the plot, it’s best to leave them as undescribed as the mechanics of the internal combustion engine in a story about someone driving a taxi cab. Still, hints are dropped here and there, including that they use “fuel pellets.” This would tend to indicate that it’s a form of nuclear pulse propulsion, but one with not only an insanely high pulse rate, but also extreme thrust *and* extreme Isp. The result of that should be an extreme amount of waste heat that would need to be radiated, but clearly the ships of The Expanse don’t have giant radiators. There are theoretical ways to explain that away, but from what I’ve read so far it hasn’t been touched on. I know how I explain the lack of radiators on the fusion powered ships in *my* fiction…

UPDATE: In “Cibola Burn,” Alex the pilot gives a very, very brief description of the engine. It uses lasers to crush the fuel pellets and magnetic fields to direct the resulting exhaust. So it *is* clearly a nuclear pulse system, of the inertial confinement micropellet variety.

 Posted by at 8:22 am