Jun 032016

Remember the kid who found a “lost Mayan city” that turned out to more likely be an old corn field? He seems to be taking the Donald Trump approach to dealing with criticism.

Teen Who ‘Discovered’ Lost Maya City Says Scientists Are Jealous

“I think scientists are jealous,” the teen declared. “Sometimes they are scared of new ideas. They’re afraid to have their established ideas criticized.” Ultimately, Gadoury wants scientists “to have more open minds and to listen to other ideas.”

Oy. I’ve heard this sort of response many, many times. And from adults, it’s virtually always a prelude to scientific crackpottery. Some goofball has some idea about why Newton or Kepler or Einstein was wrong, his ideas don’t pass basic scientific and/or mathematical scrutiny, and then he goes apoplectic. Scientists don’t promptly believe them because the scientists are idiots, or jealous, or closed-minded, whatever.

 Posted by at 9:18 pm