Jun 032008

Most of the models I build are contracted projects that have to be accurate to a set of drawings, or at least to a known design. I decided to build one that doesn’t need to be accurate to anything… my own “fan design” for an Imperial Cruiser. Same scale as the Stardestroyer model kit, just substantially smaller. Not a model of great significance (I doubt it’ll be kitted), just something for fun. Turns out building “random” is oddly relaxing.

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Jun 032008

Nearing completion: a 1/350 scale model of the semi-canon “ringship” design for the USS Enterprise. A painting of this could be seen on the rec room wall in ST:TMP. This model will be kitted by Fantastic Plastic. Note: two rings will be included. The rings are identical, so I only made the one.

Note industry-standard feline scale reference (feline in question is rural farmcat “Fingers,” who is well-behaved enough to gain occasional house entry).
