Jun 062008

Been seeing this cat wandering around the last few weeks. It’s not people friendly… just a feral farmcat. Nevertheless, good to see ’em about… they help keep the area varmint-free.


 Posted by at 11:50 pm  Tagged with:
Jun 052008

This is Tak, laying on a perch I built for a upstairs window. From there the cats can get *really* close views of the starlings that infest the eaves of my house. There is a plastic grating over the window to keep the cats from punching the window screens out.



 Posted by at 3:50 pm  Tagged with:
Jun 032008

Rural farmcat “Bitey” hunting in the grass. Despite her name, she’s reasonably well civilized.


 Posted by at 2:44 pm  Tagged with:
Jun 032008

Nearing completion: a 1/350 scale model of the semi-canon “ringship” design for the USS Enterprise. A painting of this could be seen on the rec room wall in ST:TMP. This model will be kitted by Fantastic Plastic. Note: two rings will be included. The rings are identical, so I only made the one.

Note industry-standard feline scale reference (feline in question is rural farmcat “Fingers,” who is well-behaved enough to gain occasional house entry).


Jun 032008

A staring contest between one of my indoor cats (Tak – The Hideous New Girl) and one of the local farmcats (Mommacat – who does her part to assure that cats don’t go extinct).

 Posted by at 12:40 pm  Tagged with: