Mar 032023

The New York Times “reports” that black people are having trouble riding horses because they are having difficulty finding helmets:


Correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t there black people in the Army, Marines, Air Force? Pretty sure they wear helmets there. Don’t black people ride bicycles and motorcycles? Again, they’ve been wearing helmets for decades. Probably even been black skaters and skateboarders, who often seem to wear helmets. How is this a problem?

 Posted by at 6:24 pm
Mar 032023

I’m not a fan of Dungeons & Dragons. Some friends tried to get me to play it going on 40 years ago, and I just didn’t get it (the FASA Star Trek Starship Combat game, though? I was all about that). So I don’t know the lore, settings, characters, etc. But I *do* know that the majority of fans appear to be males. D&D seems to share a lot of the *feel* of Lord of the Rings, which is also popular more among males. And while the males may tend towards the nerdy, the appreciation is for traditional masculine roles… heroes, barbarians, warriors, wizards. Weaklings are not well appreciated in that sort of world view. Even the supposedly week Hobbits turned out to have endless wells of strength and courage and, when called for, badassery.

And thus my confoundment upon reading:

The Dungeons & Dragons Movie Intentionally Emasculates Its Leading Men

The male characters, once again, apparently take a back seat to the females, and are depicted as weak and ineffectual. D&D is a role playing game. The players adopt roles… roles that they *want* to play. Characters they’d probably like to *be.* How many D&D players – the presumed base for the movie – want to see themselves as incompetent, weak, lazy, cowardly, useless? So… who is this movie supposed to appeal to?

I was unlikely to see this movie before reading this. “Unlikely” has transitioned to “statistically insignificant chance.”

 Posted by at 5:59 pm
Mar 022023

The episode where a stolen car speeds through an intersection, hits another car, slams into a building (crushing a pedestrian in the process), which then collapses on both cars.

Hmm. Another case of a YouTube video that won’t auto-embed. Oh well, there’s this:

Baltimore building collapses leaving at least one dead, several injured: police

The driver has been charged with car theft but, oddly, not murder. It’s unclear to me why the driver is not up on death penalty charges.

 Posted by at 11:12 pm
Mar 022023

How about NO:

Government considered killing all domestic cats at start of Covid pandemic

Ministers briefly considered ordering all domestic cats in Britain to be killed amid fears they could be spreading Covid, a former health minister has said. … “In fact, there was an idea at one moment that we might have to ask the public to exterminate all the cats in Britain. Can you imagine what would have happened if we had wanted to do that?

Had that come to pass, what *should* have happened was that the British people *should* have risen up and overthrown their government, putting any official who was supportive of the idea on the same boats the invading migrants had come in on, and shoved them – and the invaders – out to sea.

 Posted by at 7:57 pm
Mar 012023

Lori Lightfoot becomes the first Chicago mayor in 40 years to lose re-election

It is of course too much to hope that Chicago might finally throw off the shackle of the Democrat Party Machine. There will be a runoff between two candidates… a Democrat and a far-left Democrat. So Chicagos future is not exactly secured, there’s just the chance that things might not suck quote so much. But things will still suck pretty bad in Chicago.

 Posted by at 10:38 am
Feb 282023

I’ve never gotten into RC aircraft. Partly because I know that I am fated to spend thousands of hours building something only to have it promptly flop over two seconds after I launch the thing. But static display models? All about that. So this electric RC B-1B bomber looks intriguing. At $800, it’s out of my price range and I *certainly* don’t have a place to display it (seems to be about 1/23 scale)… but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s just neato.





 Posted by at 6:33 pm