Feb 272023

There is one “Blockbuster” video rental store surviving, in Bend, Oregon. Given that Blockbuster went bankrupt in 2010, it’s a bit surprising that one exists at all. The surviving store appears to exist on nostalgia; tourists taking in the novelty of The Last Blockbuster. Well, whatever works.

Kids these days will never know the thrill of getting to go to a mid-1980’s video rental store and perusing the aisles of VHS tapes. Seeing fantastic box art for movies that in your heart of hearts you know is going to be utter trash… some low-budget “Star Wars” or “Conan” knockoff, starring who’s-that spouting garbage dialog and wearing laughable costumes. It was friggen’ fantastic… at the time. Now, a bunch of these movies that back then you’d have to go out of your way to find are now instantly streamable; the ease of access makes their crappiness stand out all the brighter, with none of the fun. Bleah.

Rarity makes things seem more valuable. This is not an amazing revelation, of course. And now movies at home aren’t rare, aren’t difficult to access. There’s little to no social aspect to picking out a movie; instead of driving to the store and communing with strangers about what might or might not be worth renting, you just click on something and up it pops. I imagine that in not so many years you’ll be able to think of a movie and it will promptly start playing directly into your head, courtesy your government mandated Neural Chip. And soon enough after that, AI will make that Brain Streamable movie be anything you like: that “Jaws 2” meets “Debbie Does Dallas” crossover you always wanted? Here ya go. And shortly after that the Brain Streaming Content will be fully interactive; you’ll be able to live out the adventure yourself inside your own head; no holodeck needed. The entire accessible universe of time and space and imagination will be instantly and nearly freely available. And after a few weeks, everyone will be bored of it.

At least for now that last Blockuster is operating, and has a sense of humor.

 Posted by at 11:02 pm
Feb 272023

All hail China’s wise socialist leadership! Had they been capitalists, this mine collapse in Mongolia a few days ago in “Alxa League” in China’s inner Mongolia region might have been bad. Fortunately, this strip mine, which was digging for green, clean, environmentally friendly coal, was run by communists and/or their hand-picked functionaries. So huzzah!

Note the gigantic dump trucks being tossed around like toys.

 Posted by at 12:50 pm
Feb 262023

A couple pit bulls got out of their yard in San Antonia and attacked people, killing an old man. Unlike a lot of dog attacks, this one was caught on video as a woman drove by. The attack is… something. It’s not safe for work. If you watch it, even though parts of it are blurred, you’ll need some mind bleach; these dogs tear the man apart. I think you can see when they rip his face off. So… maybe ya wanna watch it, maybe ya don’t. The Link HERE includes the attack video as well as a later video as three firefighters – presumably the first responders – try to deal with one of the pit bulls with *axes.* Three grown men wielding fire axes can’t deal with the damn thing.


Extra yeesh: last week I took my garbage can out to the curb late at night. While out there I heard yelling down the block. Like a friggen’ moron I stood there in my front yard trying to see what was going on; sounded like a bunch of kids chasing someone or something. Turns out they had lost control of a dog, now running loose. Like a FRIGGEN’ MORON I continued to stand there as the dog came out of the darkness and ran up to me. A pit bull dragging a leash. We stood abut 8 feet apart just staring at each other, me suddenly feeling like a FRIGGEN’ MORON for not packing heat. Fortunately the kids came running up a few seconds later and got hold of the leash and hauled the dog away. I don’t know what would have happened had things gone on a few seconds more, but it’s possible that that might have been the end of this spectacular blog.

I’ve seen a lot of people wanting to ban the pit bull breed. And then I see a lot of brainlets try to link banning a dangerous breed of dog to “See? You should also want to ban assault weapons, hurr durr!” It’s a bad analogy. The AR-15 is just a tool… as are the pit bulls teeth. Nobody suggests banning dog teeth, but banning the dangerous *entity* wielding those dangerous weapons. So if you want to link pit bulls, AR-15’s and bans… ban the crazy dangerous *people* who would behave like pit bulls.

 Posted by at 8:39 pm
Feb 242023

A program progress film from 1959 describing the US Army’s “Saturn” rocket. This would soon be transferred to NASA, eventually becoming the Saturn I (then Ib). The basic layout of the first stage would remain, but the upper stages would change utterly; as shown here, they are derivatives of the Titan ICBM. Note that the first stage is shown being recovered. This feature lasted a surprising length of time, with components being built into the early NASA Saturns. The idea was that the stages would be parachute recovered with solid rocket motors firing at the last second to cushion splashdown. The motor firing would be set off by a trigger that would be released from the booster to dangle some distance below. As soon as the trigger hit the water, it would signal the motors to fire. The stage would splash down soft enough to be recovered, but it was assumed it’d be damaged beyond refurbishment. The idea was to examine the stage to see how it did, and introduce incremental improvements until *eventually* it was able to be recovered intact enough for cost effective refurbishment and reuse.


 Posted by at 11:22 pm
Feb 242023

‘This is NOT this child’s fault. He is NOT a threat’: Mental health advocate launches defense of 6’6″ thug, 17, who had to be dragged off unconscious female teaching aide who he knocked out for confiscating his Nintendo Switch

Since when is a 17-year-old actually a “child?” Especially one who is six and a half feet tall and weighing 270 pounds?

Watch the video and determine for yourself whether he’s a threat. You want him in school with YOUR kids?

Every day I become more and more convinced that homeschooling, formerly the province of religious weirdos, is the answer for parents who don;t want to be complicit in child abuse.

 Posted by at 11:10 pm
Feb 232023

The foreperson in the grand jury going after former President Trump in Georgia decided to give televised interviews. Since the grand jury’s job isn’t over, this has been described as, charitably, “unwise.” I’ve seen a lot of people on the right going off on this, especially her enthusiasm for wanting to swear in Trump. Honestly, though, it seems entirely understandable: who *wouldn’t* be excited about swearing in a former President, whether you were a fan or an opponent? And a lot of people on the left are going off on her as her shenanigans might endanger whatever case the prosecutors might have thought they had.

That all said: this is a story *made* for mockery. Why? Because the foreperson in question is not just unwise and energetic… she’s apparently a witch. No, really, a witch-witch. Wicca and all that.

Well. Huh.

 Posted by at 9:46 pm
Feb 232023

Turns out the AI are learning to code. Two immediate takeaways from that:

1) There goes another career path.

2) Dear Sweet Baby Jeebus, have none of these people ever watched *any* science fiction? Giving an AI that has a demonstrated lack of morality the ability to re-write itself is the very height of “I *told* you not to do that!” insanity.


 Posted by at 7:10 am
Feb 222023

Death of shot Clinton aide with Epstein ties found tied to tree ruled suicide — despite no gun at scene

In May of 2022, Mark Middleton, aide to Bill Clinton who flew to Epsteins island an  umber of times and signed Epstein into the White House to meet with Clinton a number of times, was found tied to a tree with an extension cord and a single gunshot wound to the chest… and no firearms nearby.



 Posted by at 11:45 pm
Feb 222023

Fire breaks out at uranium processing facility in Tennessee

A fire broke out in a ventilating hood at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge. This was apparently not that big and was put out quickly, works has resumed. But come on, like we need *more* of this sort of thing? Even if not a speck of uranium oxide got out into the world, the mere *story* will be useful: not to America or Americans, but to those who mean America ill. This sort of thing will doubtless be used by those opposed to America having nuclear weapons and nuclear power.

 Posted by at 2:56 pm
Feb 212023

Chance of success: probably zero. Chance of being a damned good idea: close to 100%.

‘New Illinois’ sets meetings to pursue forming new state

Details are few, but the idea seems to be for Illinois to secede from Cook County. Which would be *fantastic.* Either secede or kick Cook County out; either’s good. Illinois is a largely rural state absolutely dominated by a small nugget of urban blight. What the corrupt Chicago political machine wants, it gets, and damn the needs and wants of the rest of the state.

This would seem to be the website of the group:


I honestly just don’t see this happening; even if every single person outside of Cook County was on board with this, the existing Illinois state government wouldn’t be… and nor would the Congress of the US. So forming a whole new state by splitting up an existing one seems a non-starter. However, it might be more possible for counties or blocs of counties to split offand join other states… Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin and so on. As far as Congress is concerned, that wouldn’t change things much… the number of Senators would remain, as would their party breakdowns; Representatives would largely remain, though many would change their state.

 Posted by at 11:00 pm