Mar 092023

“You are who you choose to be.” “Superman.”

The question I’ve seen asked before: “why didn’t the giant simply blast the missile?” Because he chose to be Superman, and Superman isn’t a gun (let’s ignore the “heat vision” for just a second).

This guy’s channel is definitely worth watching. He also had the correct response to the end of “The Mist.” His *dogs* had the correct response there.

 Posted by at 7:07 am
Mar 082023
Are you ready for the *dumbest* thing you’ll read today? Prepare yourselves…

End ‘colonial’ approach to space exploration, scientists urge

Short response: eat me.

Longer response: let’s take a look at what this idea is, shall we?

But Dr Pamela Conrad of the Carnegie Institution of Science said the focus should shift away from seeking to exploit discoveries.

Speaking ahead of a panel event on Saturday on the ethics of space exploration at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting in Washington DC, she said: “If we were willing to seize that as not just a possibility, but an imperative then oddly enough, the Star Trek series and culture becomes a prime directive for how we could explore space: seeking not to interfere.”

In the Star Trek series, the Prime Directive, or General Order 1, of Starfleet Command sets out that the Starfleet should not interfere with the social, cultural or technological development of any other planet.

Conrad said that rather than setting out to own or take resources from space, humans should endeavour to be “gentle explorers”.

Tell me you’ve never actually watched Star Trek without telling me you’ve never actually watched Star Trek. The Prime Directive – which they broke all the freakin’ time – said not to interfere with the development of an intelligent species. but strip mining moons and asteroids? Hell, yes? Starfleet and the United Federation of planets were *all* about resource extraction. Hell, they were in favor of the damned Genesis Device which would completely pave over entire solar systems to build brand new ones with shiny new planets. Because of course they were: the UFP weren’t stupid.

Oh, but it gets worse. So much worse:

What’s more, he said Indigenous people had deep connections with bodies such as the moon.

“Part of that connection is inherent to the culture and the way of living and way of knowing,” he said, adding any damage to such bodies was therefore a concern.

As a result, Neilson said those working on space missions, such as the Nasa Artemis programme – which seeks to establish a long-term presence on the moon and eventually send humans to Mars – should engage with Indigenous people in advance.

Haha no. Why the frak should NASA give a damn what a bunch of ignorant boobs who think the Moon is a space fairy think? When they build their own rockets, then they, too, can have a say.

Around a week ago I read yet another article about how cloning the woolly mammoth was right around the corner. Well, maybe. But what stuck with me were some of the comments: the scientists were “playing God,” and the mammoths being extinct were part of “Gods plan” and that it was wrong to try to upend that. Well, here’s the thing: if one assumes God exists, then humans de-exticting the mammoth would either:

1) Also be part of Gods plan

2) Be proof that God ain’t so great; mere humans can reverse what a supposed omnipotent being did.

So if some “indigenous group” thinks the moon is some neato-keen religious symbol that should not be tinkered with, and the United States and China race to pave the place with mines and solar panels… maybe those indigenous groups need to rethink their religion.

Leaving the future of humanity in the hands of people who are stuck in the past is not just dumb, it’s criminal.

The United Federation of Planets didn’t screw with primitives. But they also didn’t put primitives on the Federation council.

 Posted by at 6:09 pm
Mar 082023

Woman’s nose ripped off by boyfriend’s dog ‘startled by her teeth whitening’

It also shredded her left arm.

I know a lot of people love “pitties” and stand by them… but maybe there’d be some value in genetically engineering them to be less psychotically violent from time to time. Successful results of that treatment could be deployed in prisons. Unsuccessful results of those experiments could *also* be set loose in prisons.

There’s a GoFundMe for the victim.

 Posted by at 12:18 pm
Mar 072023

100 Million Years Unveiled: The Most Detailed Model of Earth’s Surface Ever


it’d be interesting to see what it says about the maximum mountain height in that time. When India slammed into Asia it drove up the Himalaya’s; doubtless to altitudes well above where they are today.

Reference: “Hundred million years of landscape dynamics from catchment to global scale” by Tristan Salles, Laurent Husson, Patrice Rey, Claire Mallard, Sabin Zahirovic, Beatriz Hadler Boggiani, Nicolas Coltice and Maëlis Arnould, 2 March 2023, Science.
DOI: 10.1126/science.add2541

 Posted by at 11:29 pm
Mar 072023

So, as previously mentioned, the recently enacted patently unconsitutional gun ban in Illinois has had a stay put on it by a downstate  judge. The state has announced a plan to appeal this to the Illinois Supreme Court. It is understood that the IL SC will squash the opposition to the bill. But… there’s a bit of a wrinkle to the case. Illinois idiot governor Pritzker is one of the defendants in the lawsuit that was brought against the bill… and two of the ILSC judges who would rule on this are financially tied to him. Hell, at a million each, they are *leashed* to him, and that makes their participation  a *massive* conflict of interest. They will either recuse themselves… or assure their ruling is overturned.


 Posted by at 4:59 am
Mar 072023

Turns out the “QAnon Shaman” was *escorted* by Capitol Hill Police throughout the building. Video has *finally* been released that overturns The Approved Narrative.

It would be nice if the 40,000 or so hours of footage that the Democrat-controlled House sat on for political purposes, now being released, would lead to some changes. Political prisoners released, politicians who lied getting charged, sanctioned, impeached, sued into financial oblivion.

 Posted by at 2:51 am
Mar 062023

Augmented Reality (AR) Sandbox

Yes, there are practical applications here for agricultural planning, water engineering, etc. But let’s face it: if this was affordable, this sort of thing would be used far more by people designing their own worlds for role playing games, sci-fi, fantasy, etc.




 Posted by at 11:59 pm
Mar 062023

An interesting CGI video depicting three sizes of folding rotor tiltrotor High Speed VTOL from Bell. The concept is not new; actually building and flying one, though, would be. The designs shown are also not new; Bell has been floating them for a few years at least since late 2021.

 Posted by at 11:44 pm