Jul 262020

Or “schadenfreude?” Or “poetic justice?” Or “a teachable moment,” followed by “conversion to conservatism?”

Radio host mocked Trump by claiming Seattle is peaceful, then rioters torched his apartment building

He is at an important moment in his life. He can go down the road of darkness and willful ignorance, continue to spout nonsense about how the left is awesome and peaceful… or have can have a Come To Reality Moment. If he chooses the latter, hopefully those of us on the side of actually paying-the-hell-attention will not mock him, but welcome him.


 Posted by at 5:10 pm
Jul 262020

California State University to require ethnic or social justice classes for graduation

California State University voted to make ethnic and social justice studies a requirement for graduation amid ongoing calls for related reforms in the wake of national unrest.

The university’s Board of Trustees approved the measure on Wednesday…

The course offerings will be grounded in the traditional ethnic studies discipline, the school said, and composed of African American, Asian American, Latinx and Native American studies.

I look forward to the first lawsuit where a student demands to fulfill that requirement with a Norse or WASP studies course. But then, anyone who would prefer such a course would probably find this university not really fulfilling their educational needs. Better for a serious student to spend their dollars at a university that centers actual education rather than racist ideological indoctrination.

 Posted by at 3:32 pm
Jul 262020

And in Aurora Colorado antifa terrorists tried to shoot up people in a jeep, and apparently managed to hit some of their own in the process:



Once again… riot foam. Lock up each and every one of those genetic defectives blocking the road. It’s *really*m time to thin the herd.

 Posted by at 10:50 am
Jul 262020

So, one of the Peaceful Protestors (TM) in Austin, Texas, decided to go to the local peaceful protest (TM) with an AK-47. This is perfectly acceptable, especially in Texas. But guess what: he got himself shot dead. How did this happen? Well… he decided that it would be a neato-keen idea to not only point said AK-47 at a car, but to fire around five shots into it. The driver of the car took umbrage at that and shot back and proved to have superior aiming capability.

So once again another victim of leftist violence and the George Floyd Riots… but at least the victim wasn’t an innocent bystander or shop owner, but one of the actual villains of the story.

A Photo Shows The BLM Rioter Who Was Shot To Dead Last Night In Texas As He Point His AK-47 At The Driver

And nothing of value was lost.


One might, if one was ridiculous enough, argue about whether the driver of the car was wrong to drive towards the protest. But if one was wiser, one would realize that the car was on the *road* not the sidewalk. That’s what roads are *for.*






 Posted by at 10:30 am
Jul 252020

It does, however, answer the question about whether of not they’ve got actual real firearms and not just a bunch of airsoft toys.

Louisville protests descend into chaos when armed protester accidentally shoots members of his group, injuring 3

This is the black supremacist NFAC cult, previously discussed when they marched to Stone Mountain and demanded their own ethnostate such as Texas.

Notice how these anti-police protestors are pretty fargin’ quick to let the police help when they start shooting each other.



 Posted by at 7:13 pm
Jul 252020

Ever since the feds actually started arresting a tiny fraction of the violent rioters tearing apart cities like Portland, the riot-enablers have started screeching that *this* is the fascist government that gun-nuts have been paranoid about, and that they should charge into the cities to stand side-by-side with the Marxists and black supremacists.  This view has even appeared on this blog in the comments section.

Here is a good response to that view, written a month and a half ago:

Where are all you gun owners now?

It’s a somewhat lengthy rant, but it boils down to:

Snort. ᚠᚢᚳk off. 😃

The two main points are:

1) The people whining about the lack of gun enthusiasts coming to their aid are the same ones who have spent their lives whining about the *existence* of gun enthusiasts.

2) Who started this? Wasn’t the gun enthusiasts, but the gun grabbers.

The rioters are using kinetic energy weapons, beam weapons and chemical combustion weapons in an effort to cause damage, injuries and death. A lot of this is aimed at local businesses and local government; the local governments should therefore send in the police and National Guard to quell the insurrections. But in some cases, such as Portland, they’re not. The reasons for this are utterly baffling given that the insurrection would happily behead the local government officials who are protecting and enabling them. But the same Marxist motherᚠᚢᚳkers are also using the same tactics and weapons against *Federal* sites. The United States has seen this before… an insurrection of criminals and villains trying to take down a Federal facility. One time that site was called “Fort Sumter,” and the end result wasn’t so good for the insurrectionists or their cause, and few rational people argue that the Feds were wrong to respond.

So, rather than an army of gun enthusiasts marching into Portland to stand should to shoulder with the same ill-bred, ill-educated ill-thinking morons who have spent generations mocking them, the gun enthusiasts should stand on the sidewalks and wave little American flags as todays General Sherman marches into Portland and lays a beatdown on the Rebs.

For todays average American “right winger,” “conservative,” “libertarian,” etc., privately owned firearms are there generally for the purpose of protecting against criminality. For the far left, though, firearms (and other weapons) are there for the purpose of *enabling* criminality. These are not compatible world views.

 Posted by at 10:40 am
Jul 242020

Who, WHO, I ASK YOU, could have possibly seen this coming?

A&E Sees Viewership Drop 49% After Canceling Live PD

They cancelled their most popular show in order to appease people who, history has shown, can never be appeased. Good jorb!

The “Live PD” and associated spinoff shows were very low production cost, but brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in ad revenue. Ad revenue that A&E seems to have piddled away.

Live and learn, I guess. Of course, it would be better to learn these lessons from the parade of clowns who already tried this nonsense and discovered that wokeness is not a profitable business model, but, hey, so long as your stockholders are happy losing their investments, who am I to judge?

 Posted by at 6:06 pm
Jul 232020

Mysterious seeds sent from China to Utah

In short: forty or more people have said they have received packages in the mail from China containing seeds they didn’t order. Likely explanation: a paperwork error. Another explanation given in the story is “brushing,” some sort of scam where a company sends a random schmoe their product, and then they fabricate a positive review from said random schmoe. Explanation you’d best li1sten to: something nefarious.

1: Seeds with some biohazardous germ on them… open the package, you are infected.

2: The seeds are themselves biohazardous. They grow up to be some mutant strain of wheat or corn or taters or something that cross-pollinate with the local variety and create a generation of food crops that are damaged or dangerous or sterile.

3: F’n triffids.

4: Wherever they grow, the ChiComs will claim as part of a Chinese consulate.

Don’t plant them in your yard. Don’t flush them down the toilet… you don’t need them sprouting hentai vine-tentacles in the sewer or the septic tank. Don’t throw them in the trash; they’ll probably germinate in the landfill and you’ll end up with a Red Commie Jolly Green Giant that stinks of month-old diapers and cat litter. You know, like most communists.

 Posted by at 8:54 pm