Aug 082020

Gun-Wielding Protesters Point Weapons At Motorists, Indianapolis Leaders Stay Silent

If anybody has a rational explanation of what these people think they’ll accomplish, I’d love to hear it.

What we have here are two – at least two – “people” willing to commit murder in order to control who gets to drive down a public street. If this was the fascist state these lying scumbags claim it is, they’d have had their brains beaten out by the local constabulary. Instead, they’re allowed to do this at will. This sort of thing metastasizes, and will lead to nationwide disaster.

Once again, imagine instead of a left wing crazy doing this, we had us a MAGA-hat wearing Trump supporter using firearms to terrorize the public. Hell, we don’t really have to image. The McCloskeys in St. Louis wielded inoperable firearms to shoo off thugs from their own private property, and the local prosecutor has gone after *them* rather than the trespassers, going so far as to commit what sure looks like prosecutable fraud in order to do so.


 Posted by at 7:04 pm
Aug 082020

Ye gods…

Portland Mayor Candidate Sarah Iannarone is a Democratic Socialist, like AOC. And like AOC, she’s off her friggen’ nut. She either thinks arson is awesome or is pandering to the arsonist constituency.

I have little sympathy for Portland at this point. I checked out the Wikipedia page on the 2020 Portland mayoral election coming in November. There has already been a first round; Democrat ted Wheeler, who has steered his city into this trainwreck, got 49% of the vote, and Iannarone came in second with 23.8%. The lone Republican came in *fifth* with 5%. So the runoff election will be between the existing failure Wheeler and the forthcoming uber-failure Iannarone.

People of Portland: this is the doom you chose.


 Posted by at 12:08 am
Aug 072020

Proposed by Bernie Sanders, this hideous bit of legislation is aimed at destroying Blue Origin and SpaceX:

Sen. Sanders proposes one-time tax that would cost Bezos $42.8 billion, Musk $27.5 billion

The “Make Billionaires Pay Act” would impose a one-time 60% tax on wealth gains made by billionaires between March 18, 2020, and Jan. 1, 2021.

It’s supposedly a “one time tax.” There is no such thing as a “one time tax.” When it comes to government, especially governments that, as Sanders would prefer, exist via theft, there’s no such thing as one-time anything.

Here’s how much some would pay under the bill due to wealth gains between March 18 and Aug. 5, according to a release accompanying the bill:

    • Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos would pay a one-time wealth tax of $42.8 billion.
    • Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk would pay a one-time wealth tax of $27.5 billion.


The Commies, long since thought to have been relegated to the dustbin of history, are back with a vengeance. Some are burning down cities. Some are assaulting random civilians. And some are using their government positions to tear it all down.

 Posted by at 9:27 pm
Aug 072020

How, indeed HOW, could storage of 2,700+ tons of ammonium nitrate in this fashion possibly have gone wrong?


I worked with explosives and solid rocket propellant back in the day. Had I come across a bunker of AN or AP stored thusly, all you’d see of me is a hole in the air in the shape of my ass and a burst of unearthly blue light from where I used to be.

 Posted by at 5:00 pm
Aug 062020

A woman in the Portland area wore a Naughty Party armband within sight of the commies, and they decided to set upon her at her home. Not only do they carry out substantial intimidation tactics (including loud and threatening trespassing), they also physically assaulted her and quite a number of them attempted to permanently blind her. Regardless of what you think about someone wearing an armband like that, trying to blind someone at their own home when they are doing you no harm? Yeah… that *requires* substantial legal repercussions. If those don’t come, then you have to admit that the rule of law, at least in that region, has not just broken down, it’s *gone.*

And if you or someone you know thinks that maiming someone because they wear an armband is acceptable, then prepare for a lot of jackasses wearing Che shirts and Hammer & Sickle insignias to catch paintballs filled with substances more chemically exciting than mere paint.

How would *you* respond to someone intentionally blinding you, your spouse, your children? That’s what Antifa/BLM do. That’s what they *are.*

 Posted by at 8:32 pm