Aug 142020

This is what a derecho looks like sweeping across Illinois, as seen by the GOES-East satellite.









 Posted by at 5:15 pm
Aug 142020

CBS All Access has plopped the first episode of “Star Trek: Lower Decks” onto YouTube. So… “enjoy,” I guess?

To say that it is “meh” puts it leaps and bounds ahead of STD and Picard, which actively hate Star Trek canon and the fanbase. Lower Decks seems canon-adjacent. But it’s still meh.

For all I know, Lower Decks will figure itself out and settle down into being a truly quality Trek series worthy of remembrance and celebration (I doubt it). But even if it did, CBS has spent so much time and money squandering fan goodwill that I doubt much of anyone will be there to see it. The fact that Lower Decks episode 1 was made freely available is likely evidence that not much of anybody cared much for or about it.



 Posted by at 4:58 pm
Aug 142020

A bunch of hippies apparently tried to block a McDonalds in Denmark because… reasons, I guess. Not everyone was having that, though.

Both his physical reaction to these genetic defectives *and* his verbal beatdown of them is spectacular and proper. These are the sort of morons who grew up never being told “no” and consequently think that their opinions and views are the only ones that should be allowed. What’s really remarkable is when reality doesn’t line up with their delusion… you can hear the gears grinding in their tiny little heads.


 Posted by at 1:43 pm
Aug 132020

One of the main purposes of the Monthly Historical Documents Program/APR Patreon is to get rare aerospace items from eBay. These items are then made available to subscribers/patrons via monthly votes and catalogs.

Below are some of the items I’ve recently paid for (though not as yet received). If you are interested in getting high-rez scans and/or helping me save these sort of things for future generations (as well as keeping my cats in food and litter), please consider signing up for the Monthly Historical Documents Program or the APR Patreon.

 Posted by at 11:44 pm
Aug 122020

Biden – or at least the people marionetting him around – selected Kamala Harris as his VP yesterday. I suppose that’s news…. but with everything going on,both locally and in the wider world, I just can’t get my give-a-ᛋᚻᛁᛏ-generator running. Which, for all I know, might be what Biden’s folks kinda hoped. So I’ll just leave this here:

 Posted by at 10:41 am