Aug 182020

Personally, I’d recommend spending every spare dollar on the APR Patreon or the Monthly Historical Documents Program, but if you have anything left, take a look at these:

Justice for Cannon

A fundraiser for the family of Cannon Hinnant, the five-year-old who was assassinated by his neighbor and ignored by the national press until pestered into a grudging acknowledgement. As of this writing, the goal of the fundraiser is $5,000, of which they have so far raised $798,024.


Adam Haner fund

Haner is a guy who was set upon by Antifa/BLM “mostly peaceful protesters” a few nights ago and beaten into a hospital for the crime of driving a truck on a street. The fundraiser there is a more ambitious $120,000, of which $93,084 has been raised.


And remember, kids: it is just as good and proper to refer to them as “mostly peaceful protesters” as it is to refer to a spousal abuser who only one day out of four or five beats his wife black and blue as a “mostly peaceful loving husband.”


 Posted by at 10:03 pm