Aug 182020

He’s not wrong:


 Posted by at 4:35 pm
Aug 172020

From 1965, two Boeing-Vertol Heavy Lift Helicopter concepts in model form, to scale with a Chinook (at far right). At far left is the Model 227 which carried loaded internally; in the middle is Model 237, designed as a flying crane. note, though, that even though the Model 237 is designed to carry payloads externally the vehicle is so large that the reduced fuselage still has room for a substantial passenger load, windows and all.

 Posted by at 11:28 pm
Aug 172020

And it’s not even satire!

Zack Snyder’s 300 Remains INTENSELY Problematic

300″ is finally getting a 4K release in October, which gives the ultra-woke author of the screed the excuse to toss every -istophobic complaint the modern left has at the movie.

So, why not get a copy and watch and laugh and cheer and poke the woke in the eye. Pre-order from the link below and I’ll get a pittance!


 Posted by at 1:48 am
Aug 162020

In the “Dark Knight” movies, the League of Shadows is busy trying to destroy Gotham City. Partly because Gotham is rotten and corrupt, but also because destroying things is just what the League of Shadows does. The League used means both subtle (economics) and gross (chemical weapons and bombs) to achieve this, but of course Batman was there to stop them and let Gotham keep limping along.

In the real world, New York City has no Batman. But it *does* seem to have its own League of Shadows in the form of Bill Deblasio, Fredo Cuomo, AOC, Antifa and the Democratic Party.


New York (city and state) and its terrible politicians are not at fault for the WuFlu; that would be the Chinese Communist Party. But they are responsible for some of what has happened as a result. Lockdowns were pretty much inevitable. But what wasn’t inevitable were two week quarantines for people visiting the state (which pretty much precludes non-New Yorkers from even contemplating vacationing there), along with checkpoints where the police Ask For Your Papers. And at the same time that these checkpoints are being set up, and domestic terror groups like Antifa are ramping up their criminality… New York City just ripped a billion dollars out of the NYPD’s budget. And New York is releasing prisoners in large numbers in order to empty out the prisons (as a Wu Flu measure) at the same time that the shooting rate is spiking nearly 300% from the same period a year ago, while pretty much all crime is way up.

People and businesses are realizing that a whole lot of jobs do not require you to be in an office every day; you can work from home quite effectively. As a result, there is less need to be in a big expensive city like NYC. And given that the local economy is collapsing due to Commie Cough issues and democratic Party shenanigans, a *lot* of New Yorkers are either fleeing the city or being driven out. As they go, they will take their income tax and property tax with them, meaning that more and more of the tax burden will fall on fewer and fewer people… who will thus be further incentivized to bail the frak out of NY C and S.

It’s unlikely that New York City will become a true ghost town; nor is it likely that it will get bulldozed and returned to a state of nature. but New York city might well turn into Detroit writ large. And the League of Shadows will have won.

But you kinda have to wonder why they want to ruin NYC.

 Posted by at 8:44 pm
Aug 162020

… is apparently in the early stages of development.


“Interstellar” was a visual masterpiece, but it was yet another one of those friggen’ mopey “space is awful, the future sucks, everything is bleak and doomed” flicks that Hollywood seems incapable of not making. And for a movie where so much was made of its scientific accuracy about black holes and how so much effort was made into making everything right, so damned much of it was nonsensical or outright bad/wrong science that it yoinked me right out of the story. For example: the “Ranger” spaceplanes that were launched into Earth orbit atop a heavy lift booster of some kind: sure, that makes sense. But then… the same spaceplanes were able to dive *deep* into the gravity well of a supermassive black hole, rendezvous with a planet, land on it, launch back into orbit and CLIMB BACK OUT of the black holes gravity well. The planet was so far in the well that time dilation was massive… years went by outside for every hour spent inside. This meant that this spaceplane not only had a phenomenal thrust-to-weight ratio, it had a delta V of a *large* fraction of the speed of light. Which means that not only would it not need a booster to get to Earth orbit, it wouldn’t take months to go from Earth to Saturn.


At least it wasn’t “Ad Astra” though. Shudder.

 Posted by at 2:30 pm
Aug 162020

This is interesting… a simulation of unknown provenance depicting the possible flooding resulting from a collapse of the Three Gorges Dam in China. If this simulation is remotely accurate – and I have no idea if it is, so YMMV – if the dam collapses China is in for some interesting times. Interestingly, one of the cities slated for a watery erasure is Wuhan.


 Posted by at 1:15 pm