Aug 302020

Chants of “Death to America.” On American streets.

And here’s your “maybe reconsider your vote for Biden” video for the day:




 Posted by at 10:19 am
Aug 292020

EDIT: The original YouTube video was removed by the uploader. Don’t know why. But here’s a news article on the subject:

New Jersey police department sends 18-year-old BLM organizer a $2,500 overtime bill for security cost at her 40-person protest

ORIGINAL POST (based on the now-deleted video):

The city has a law on the books allowing it to bill for police services for private events… which this would seem to have been.

Money quote:

“I was shocked when I read that I had to pay to exercise my first amendment rights.”


She also has a *second* amendment right. One wonders if she’d be shocked that the government won’t just *give* her a gun, that she has to pay for bullets and targets and training and range time.


Also: those arrested and convicted of rioting and looting should, as part of their sentences, be fined for the costs of restocking looted stores, rebuilding burned-out buildings. A lifetime bill of a few million dollars might be a bit of a disincentive to being a violent destructive jackass. Similarly, crowd funding efforts to support convicted rioters/looters should be leined-upon.


Englewood Cliffs mayor rescinds $2,500 bill sent to teen organizer of Black Lives Matter rally

So, now you can monopolize the police at no cost to you.

 Posted by at 2:02 pm
Aug 292020

This is an informative and interesting read… an interview with a left winger who advocates *for* looting, including the looting of small businesses. Including the trashing and destruction of small grocery stores in food deserts. because the author is not only evil, she’s a fricken’ *moron.* She believes that looting is just a fair way to redistribute stuff that those people deserve, and that every time they destroy a business, the business will simply restock for the next time.

And the reason that the world is organized that way, obviously, is for the profit of the people who own the stores and the factories. So you get to the heart of that property relation, and demonstrate that without police and without state oppression, we can have things for free.


One Author’s Argument ‘In Defense Of Looting’

The author has all the very latest, most leftie-approved notions. Looting is ok, because the word “loot” was appropriated by white people from brown people. Looting is ok, because it destroys even the basic *idea* of owning property, because “property” is white supremacy.

Looting strikes at the heart of property, of whiteness and of the police. It gets to the very root of the way those three things are interconnected. And also it provides people with an imaginative sense of freedom and pleasure and helps them imagine a world that could be. And I think that’s a part of it that doesn’t really get talked about—that riots and looting are experienced as sort of joyous and liberatory.

Cthulhu nods approvingly.

But looters and rioters don’t attack private homes. They don’t attack community centers. In Minneapolis, there was a small independent bookstore that was untouched. All the blocks around it were basically looted or even leveled, burned down. And that store just remained untouched through weeks of rioting.

ᚠᚢᚳk ᚣᚩᚢ ᚪᛋᛋᚻᚩᛚᛖ.

I do wonder about whether a business that gets looted after this can sue *her* for damages. I wonder about suing NPR and her publisher for giving her a platform.

 Posted by at 11:25 am
Aug 292020

A video worth watching:

The narrative that he’s a murderer sure seems ill-supported by the facts.

Bonus round:

Nick Sandmann’s Attorney Lin Wood Takes 17-Year-Old Kenosha Shooter Kyle Rittenhouse’s Defense Pro Bono

This is the lawyer who sued (so far, successfully) the bejeebers out of a number of media outlets for libel and slander for claiming that Nick Sandmann was a smug racist when he was in fact the victim. And on *that* note…

As Kenosha rifleman gets legal aid, online vigilantes ARCHIVE tweets for defamation suits likely to come

For example:

Assuming that the video evidence and testimonies so far given continue to be unrefuted *and* Rittenhouse doesn’t get railroaded… Representative Pressley could wind up paying for Rittenhouse’s *everything* from here on out.

 Posted by at 2:01 am
Aug 282020

‘Black Panther’ star Chadwick Boseman dies of cancer at 43

Damn, son… 43?

That role in “Black Panther 2” now seems a little iffy. And I don’t say that sarcastically: Disney *could* if they wanted use a digital Boseman for the role. Because there’s little chance that Black Panther 2 won’t happen; it’s just a question of either recasting the role (which the MCU has done), writing the character out with an off-screen death or some such… or using some form of computer trickery.

 Posted by at 8:50 pm
Aug 272020

More information has come out regarding Kyle Rittenhouse and the people he went up against. The information is interesting… and not exactly shocking. The following Twitter thread is by a journalist at the New York Times who did actual objective journalism (shocking, I know!). When Rittenhouse shot the second and third people, killing one and wounding the other, it was clear he was acting in self defense. But the *first* guy he shot was under unclear circumstances. But investigating the available evidence seem to show that he wasn’t the first shooter. When he was initially chased into the car dealership *someone* *else* started shooting. It appears that that first fatal shot was again in self defense.


It’s interesting to examine the three people that Rittenhouse shot. Fortunately, Andy Ngo is another journalist who is doing actual journalism:

Feel free to wonder if you should feel bad when a minor shoots a convicted pedophile.

Hardly surprising that these “mostly peaceful protestors” had violent backstories. And for those who question the propriety of a 17-year-old carrying a gun, you have to question whether someone with a criminal record involving a firearm should have been carrying a gun while claiming to be a medic.



 Posted by at 5:19 pm
Aug 272020

Minneapolis is a’lootin’ again. Why? Was there some horrible police-based misdeed? Did they beat the tar out of some random schmoe? Did they shoot a guy? Nope. A guy wanted for murder shot *himself.*

Minneapolis stores looted as mayhem erupts following gunman’s suicide: police

Perhaps it’s time to start suing media outlets who refer to these things as “protests” rather than “riots,” and for claiming they’re about “justice” when clearly it’s “any excuse to loot is good enough.”

 Posted by at 12:31 am
Aug 262020

This set of models was recently sold on eBay. It depicts a proposed concept for extending the utility of Apollo hardware… in this case, the Command Module and the Ascent Stage of the Lunar Module, by using them in Earth or Lunar orbit in conjunction with a small space laboratory. The Lunar Module would be used as a little space lab of it’s own, with a bolted-on telescope… this idea transformed into the Apollo Telescope Mount on Skylab, which began life as a modified LM. This probably dates from 1965-66. The purpose of the lab was to provide living space for the crew of three, because missions were contemplated lasting several months, providing detailed examination of the Earth or moon. Scientifically useful to be sure, but were the crew packed solely into the CM and LM for that period they’d likely kick the walls out.


 Posted by at 7:41 pm