Sep 032020

A lot of people don’t like the DC “cinematic universe” movies like “Batman V Superman,” “Suicide Squad” and “Justice League.” I like them… ok. They have flaws, but for the most part I find them entertaining enough that in the Before Times I saw most of them in theaters. But I didn’t go to see “Birds of Prey,” largely because:

1: It just didn’t look good or interesting

2: There was a lot of woke rubbish about it.

It is now on HBO/Hulu. So a few days ago i fired it up while doing CAD work. If nothing else, I have the TV on as background noise; I can binge watch half a season of some show or other while working and, when I finally look up from my screen, realize that X hours have gone by and I’ve absorbed absolutely none of what transpired on the TV. So with that in mind, judge for yourself what it means that I got something like 30 or so minutes into “Birds of Prey” and intentionally turned it off. It’s badness was so overpowering that it blew right through my ramparts of inertia, inattention and indifference. That is, in a way, rather impressive.

 Posted by at 2:23 am