Sep 012020

Gee, when cops are actually allowed to do their jobs, those badasses in Antifa turn out to just be larping weenies.

Prepare yourself for the feel-good movie of the summer:

This whole summer of insanity could have been nipped in the bud if the mayors of Antifa-infested towns had simply allowed their police to police. Around here, the riots lasted… one night, maybe? The night it started, not only did the local cops show up to say “not just no, but hell no,” cops from nearby towns showed up. Cops from another state showed up. The police told the rioting morons that their nonsense would not be allowed and told them loudly enough and with sufficient backup. And what did the rioters do? Tucked tail and went home (after killing a few of their own, because of course they did). There have been threats and rumors since then, the odd door kicked in (one of the comic books shops near me got kicked in, as did the closest thing to a model kit-equipped hobby shop, because of course they did), but nothing like the nonsense in Portland or Chicago.

Watching this and other videos makes it clear that while Antifa and their ilk are certainly ready willing and able to carry out acts of violence and terrorism, they are themselves little more than cardboard cutouts. They truly are NPCs, programmed to make a loud noise and chuck the odd Molotov cocktail, but they largely seem ill prepared to stand up to even halfassed resistance from the good guys.

 Posted by at 6:35 pm
Sep 012020

When Jurassic Park was released lo those many years ago, one of the items in the *vast* checklist of merchandising that accompanied the flick was an animated TV series. Perhaps sadly, that never came to pass. A mid-90’s cartoon show set on Jurassic Park could have been awesome… or it could have been utter garbage.

So with that Schroedingers Raptor in mind, I present the trailer for Netflix’s “Camp Cretaceous,” a CG animated series that is meant to be set at the same moment as “Jurassic World,” just on the other side of the island. Unsurprisingly it will feature a group of Contractually Diverse children (including the standard “useless white guy”) as they try to reach safety after everything goes sideways with the release of the Indominus Rex.

This is a trailer for “Season 1.” My first question here is… “hey, didn’t ‘Jurassic World’ take place over a space of a few *hours*?” Hardly seems long enough for multiple seasons. My second question is “so just how rich are the lawyers for the families going to get suing the bejeebers out of whoever the hell is left of the company responsible for the dinosaur park?”

 Posted by at 5:18 pm
Sep 012020

It’s crazy enough to come off as something written by someone *pretending* to be a social justice warrior, but the website seems *kinda* legit.

Why White People Owning Dogs is Racist

The argument boils down to “since dogs were domesticated by Eurasians (evidence exists for both western Europe and southeast Asia being the point of domestication), it is cultural appropriation for white people to own dogs:

If you are white and own a canine, please consider donating them to a local POC family or non kill shelter so it can truly find the perfect home. 

The website *looks* like a legit animal welfare organization website. No obvious signs that it’s satire. However, the website has only three articles, all written by the same “person.” It *looks* good, but it’s pretty devoid of actual information about the supposed organization. Google turns up almost nothing about the “United Wildlife Union” other than their website and some people talking about how bonkers the racist anti-white opinion piece is. This might be an exercise in web design wrapped around some ham-handed satire. But given how Cuckoo-For-Cthulhu-Puffs people are these days, it wouldn’t surprise me that someone is actually this bonkers. The more I look at it, the more it seems like satire… but these days I Just Don’t Know.

 Posted by at 4:35 pm
Sep 012020

Seems the tundra is exploding again:

Likeliest explanation is that global warming is causing the permafrost to be less frost and a whole lot less perma. Couples with subsurface methane pockets that have been trapped for millenia, every now and the the ground gets soft enough that the methane goes “pop.” I suspect a video of such an event would be interesting, to say the least. Unfortunately Siberia is kinda big, so being on the spot with a camera is an unlikely occurrence.

Well, there’s clearly only one country to blame: that’s right, the United States.

 Posted by at 9:10 am
Aug 312020

This is certainly nice and generous of ’em: (in case it doesn’t embed properly, here’s the direct link)


For extra yuks, imagine that the actual password is “password.”

 Posted by at 7:44 pm
Aug 312020

Late 1970’s depictions of “realistic” starships as understood at the time. These include an Orion vehicle (which, despite claims to the contrary, would make a terrible starship, since the specific impulse of a reasonably conceivable Orion is an order of magnitude or two too low for practical interstellar craft), two Bussard ramjets, and a “golden globe” minimum weight starship proposed by Robert L. Forward, whose operating principles I am currently a bit fuzzy on.

Bussard ramjets would use magnetic fields to collect interstellar hydrogen. The hydrogen would be compressed in a fusion reactor, preferably a steady-state one, and used to provide thrust to the starship. For a number of years this concept promised great things, but in recent decades it has been pretty much discounted. On one hand, the magnetic fields are not very likely going to work well at a reasonable mass, and they tend to not form open-mouthed funnels, but rather closed-mouthed “cups,” thus preventing the hydrogen from getting into the engine. Whoops. Second, thrust is unlikely to exceed drag much above maybe a percent or two of lightspeed, meaning a Bussard ramjet might serve as a decent “anchor” or drag brake, but not as an accelerator to relativistic velocities.

 Posted by at 7:11 pm
Aug 312020

I honestly don’t know if this is silly or useful. Still… kinda cool:

‘Starfleet’ amendment puts Space Force in a political bind

In short, the amendment, put forward by former Navy SEAL Rep. Dan Crenshaw, would use Naval ranks rather than Air Force ranks. This may have been spurred on by an op-ed written by William Shatner. 

Beyond changing names – Colonels would become Captains, for example, I’m not sure what *practical* difference there would be. There would doubtless be a change in the *feel* of the thing I suppose. And of course if Biden wins – especially if the Dems gain in the House and Senate as well – the whole Space Force will stand a good chance of vanishing like the Apollo Application Program, the Space Exploration initiative, the Nova booster and all the rest.

 Posted by at 4:48 pm
Aug 312020

I know some people don’t like raccoons. They tend to get into garbage cans and scatter stuff about, making a mess. But… I’m sorry, just no. NO.

VIDEO: BLM Supporters Run Over, Beat Raccoon to Death

Warning: the video there is no freakin’ joke. Whether you like trash pandas or not, what these “people” do to this animal is unconscionable.They don’t just kill this animal, they cause it great and extended pain… and fear. And they – a sizable group – laugh gleefully as this happens. They take pleasure not in the killing of an animal for the food or resources it can provide, or as a way to defend against a dangerous predator… no, their pleasure comes from the pain and fear they inflict on a creature that they get under their power. The guy who filmed it – and laughed about it – then goes on to use the video to *support* BLM. I don’t generally want to link to images and/or videos of animal abuse, but here it’s important to know what kind of people are out there. It has long been known that those who abuse animals often go on to abuse humans. What these “protestors” do to this raccoon they will soon try to do to *you.* I would be utterly unsurprised if it turns out that one or more of those involved have already attempted murder or succeeded at it.

There is a lust for bloodshed and pain and violence here that should not be ignored and cannot be understood by civilized, intelligent people. Don’t assume that it’ll be sated with the screams of a small creature, or with the flames of an unoccupied business.

Anyone think PETA will take them on, and do so effectively?

“The squirrel that you kill in jest, dies in earnest. “Henry David Thoreau

 Posted by at 12:14 am
Aug 302020

Athletes No Longer Playing Games: Historic Moment in Sports as Teams, Players Protest Racial Injustice by Refusing to Take Court, Field

It seems sportsball-playing millionaires are deciding to take a little extra time off, and are using rare incidents as an excuse. My favorite quote from the piece:

Tennis champion Naomi Osaka, whose father is Haitian and mother is Japanese but has lived in the U.S. since she was three, took to Twitter to announce she would not compete in the semifinal of the Western & Southern Open Thursday saying “continued genocide of Black people at the hand of police is honestly making me sick to my stomach.”

“Genocide.” That’s awesome.

What do you want to be that they still want to get *paid?* Maybe the thing to do is for people to simply decide to set professional sports aside for, oh, three or four years. Wipe the slate clean, let it sit fallow for a few years, start fresh in a few years. Same with Star Trek.

 Posted by at 2:48 pm