Apr 042023

A Russian movie from 2022 seems to have had some good VFX depicting a series of relatively small asteroid impacts shotgun-blasting a city:

On the one hand, you can say that the Russian VFX people are quite good. on the other, you can point out that in 2022, Russians got a lot of practice with exploding cities. Or, rather, Russians got a lot of practice exploding cities.



 Posted by at 5:24 am
Apr 032023

Ever since the early sixties there have been ideas about “inspector” spacecraft that would check out other satellites. This would be done to see just what some foreign satellite actually was…r econ, communications, navigation, weapons platform. But actually doing it has not but done too often… at least, it hasn’t been *shown.* But here are the results of one commercial satellite – the Worldview-3 earth observer – looking at a Landsat from a range of about 100 kilometers. The imagery is remarkably clear.

 Posted by at 11:51 pm
Apr 032023

It’s not confirmed, but it’s possible that AOC, the Dumbest Person In Congress, had a burner account on Twitter that she used to “anonymously” tell the truth about her actual feelings… hatred, death threats, standard Antifa-level rhetoric. “Zaza Demon” blocked some people (which, if this was AOC, is I believe illegal), and then deleted the entire account when found out.

So, the possibilities:

1) This was AOC.

2) This was a delusional leftist who thought he/she was AOC

3) This was a false flag operation by an anti-AOC agent.

Until there is definitive proof, an honest person can’t say for certain. but an honest person can certainly look at the totality of her hate-filled political career and conclude that option #1 makes a *lot* of sense.

Did AOC’s burner Twitter get BUSTED? Could be! And HOOO BOY does it have an archive!


 Posted by at 3:17 pm
Apr 022023

Well, this could be the start of something… interesting:

Bomb kills Russian war blogger in St Petersburg cafe

It appears that “Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky” was blown up by a bomb, far from the Ukrainian front lines. The guy seems to have been a Kremlin mouthpiece, so the obvious suspect would be Ukrainian forces deep in Russia. the less obvious suspects would be anti-war Russian forces… or the Kremlin itself. I’ve no idea who the guy was or how influential or important… but as false-flagged a martyr, he’ll probably have some propaganda value. Whoever was responsible, things could get interesting, as the Kremlin will doubtless use this to gin up more genocidal hate. As with the Trump indictment, it’ll be a fantastic way to distract the domestic audience away from internal problems.


 Posted by at 11:52 pm
Mar 312023

For some reason, a Chinese construction company was hired to do highway work in Serbia. For some reason, the Chinese construction company decided to demolish a war memorial.

Lots of WTF in this story. The first being: “Why is a European nation using a Chinese construction company?” The second being “Why can’t a European nation do this sort of work themselves?” Third being “What exactly did you expect?”

When you hire people who are not of your nation, culture or people to do your work for you, don’t act surprised when they don’t value your nation, culture or people. And hiring ChiComs? That’s just asking for trouble.

It shall prove interesting when the ChiComs start paving over Russian cultural locations.

 Posted by at 5:30 am
Mar 302023

Brandon Herrera covers some initial memes about the Nashville mass shooting:



Donut Operator did a breakdown of the bodycam footage of the sweep of the school and the takedown of the transurrectionist. *THIS,* as many have pointed out to the Uvalde police, is how you do it: get it done quickly and efficiently, before the badguy (or badgirl, in this case) has time to prepare and before they can turn a mass shooting into an absolute massacre. The shooter got shot by two copes, one with a carbine, the other with a pistol… essentially the weapons *she* had.

A case can be made that mentally ill people should not have access to firearms. I’m all behind a legal approach that takes care of this… not those BS “red flag laws” that allow the authorities to strip you of your rights without a proper review or anything resembling due process. Self-harm would seem to be a giant sign that someone is a danger to themselves or others; a woman pumping herself with testosterone, or anyone chopping their bits off, would seem to apply. Men, who are designed and built to be full of testosterone, can go buggo if they are pumped full of the stuff; I can only imagine how whackadoodle it would make a woman to be loaded with the stuff.

 Posted by at 8:05 pm
Mar 292023

Russia and China have been making lots of noises about joining forces, ostensibly to knock the USA, and the American dollar, down a peg. This feller has an interesting view on the topic; in his thinking, somebody gonna stab somebody in the back, and the only question is whether the Chinese or the Russian get stabby first. Is he on to something? Is he huffing the copium? I dunno.

 Posted by at 8:04 pm