Apr 022023

Well, this could be the start of something… interesting:

Bomb kills Russian war blogger in St Petersburg cafe

It appears that “Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky” was blown up by a bomb, far from the Ukrainian front lines. The guy seems to have been a Kremlin mouthpiece, so the obvious suspect would be Ukrainian forces deep in Russia. the less obvious suspects would be anti-war Russian forces… or the Kremlin itself. I’ve no idea who the guy was or how influential or important… but as false-flagged a martyr, he’ll probably have some propaganda value. Whoever was responsible, things could get interesting, as the Kremlin will doubtless use this to gin up more genocidal hate. As with the Trump indictment, it’ll be a fantastic way to distract the domestic audience away from internal problems.


 Posted by at 11:52 pm
Mar 312023

For some reason, a Chinese construction company was hired to do highway work in Serbia. For some reason, the Chinese construction company decided to demolish a war memorial.

Lots of WTF in this story. The first being: “Why is a European nation using a Chinese construction company?” The second being “Why can’t a European nation do this sort of work themselves?” Third being “What exactly did you expect?”

When you hire people who are not of your nation, culture or people to do your work for you, don’t act surprised when they don’t value your nation, culture or people. And hiring ChiComs? That’s just asking for trouble.

It shall prove interesting when the ChiComs start paving over Russian cultural locations.

 Posted by at 5:30 am
Mar 302023

Brandon Herrera covers some initial memes about the Nashville mass shooting:



Donut Operator did a breakdown of the bodycam footage of the sweep of the school and the takedown of the transurrectionist. *THIS,* as many have pointed out to the Uvalde police, is how you do it: get it done quickly and efficiently, before the badguy (or badgirl, in this case) has time to prepare and before they can turn a mass shooting into an absolute massacre. The shooter got shot by two copes, one with a carbine, the other with a pistol… essentially the weapons *she* had.

A case can be made that mentally ill people should not have access to firearms. I’m all behind a legal approach that takes care of this… not those BS “red flag laws” that allow the authorities to strip you of your rights without a proper review or anything resembling due process. Self-harm would seem to be a giant sign that someone is a danger to themselves or others; a woman pumping herself with testosterone, or anyone chopping their bits off, would seem to apply. Men, who are designed and built to be full of testosterone, can go buggo if they are pumped full of the stuff; I can only imagine how whackadoodle it would make a woman to be loaded with the stuff.

 Posted by at 8:05 pm
Mar 292023

Russia and China have been making lots of noises about joining forces, ostensibly to knock the USA, and the American dollar, down a peg. This feller has an interesting view on the topic; in his thinking, somebody gonna stab somebody in the back, and the only question is whether the Chinese or the Russian get stabby first. Is he on to something? Is he huffing the copium? I dunno.

 Posted by at 8:04 pm
Mar 282023

More and more I’m suspecting that Lovecraft was right about at least some of his creations. Nyarlathotep, for example. Of all his Old Ones that posed a threat to mankind, the “Crawling Chaos” was one of the few that actually *cared* about humanity. Most were vast cosmic entities that didn’t even really notice us, or noticed us only as bugs to be trod upon, or not, without much thought. Malevolent entities to be sure, but they barely gave a damn one way or the other. Nyarlathotep, on the other hand, actively walked among humanity, often taking on human form, and worked to bring down and drive mad civilization. He didn’t do this by using brute force, but by whispering in ears, showing people visions, hell, giving lectures. Those who witnessed often went bugnuts and tore civilization down around them in their insanity.

Sound familiar?

From his “prose poem” Nyarlathotep:

I recall that the people went about with pale and worried faces, and whispered warnings and prophecies which no one dared consciously repeat or acknowledge to himself that he had heard. A sense of monstrous guilt was upon the land, and out of the abysses between the stars swept chill currents that made men shiver in dark and lonely places. There was a daemoniac alteration in the sequence of the seasons—the autumn heat lingered fearsomely, and everyone felt that the world and perhaps the universe had passed from the control of known gods or forces to that of gods or forces which were unknown.

After decades of race relations getting better, everything is worse now: mobs of racists are beating the tar out of random targets in shopping malls and on streets. Criminals are not only not being arrested, they’re being  undercharged, or not charged at all, when they do get arrested. People with acknowledged violent streaks are being unleashed on the public to offend again and again. People who are so delusional that they mutilate their bodies to fit what they think they are supposed to be are *celebrated,* not given treatment; this form of madness is exploding in popularity, becoming statistically significant… and is now not only threatening the lives of those who don’t celebrate them, they are celebrating those who actually take the lives of children. The threat of nuclear annihilation disappeared thirty years ago… and now it’s fricken’ back. The  Chinese look like they might replace the American dollar as the default world currency. Perverts and deviants are demanding – and gaining – access to children on an almost industrial scale; anyone who complains risks the wrath of not just the mob but the law. The upper echelons of political leadership are filled with the senile, the stupid, the brain damaged. How does this *not* seem like Nyarlathotep is standing in the shadows, whispering vast numbers into madness?

What I find especially bothersome is that we are on the precipice of *hope.* SpaceX, for example, is perhaps weeks away from a test launch of a rocket that could begin the process of freeing mankind from dependence on this one rock. Hell, we’ve finally got good Star Trek for the first time in decades… and it could all be flushed.

 Posted by at 5:44 pm
Mar 282023

The first US Aerospace Projects in *years* is now available. Cover art was provided by Rob Parthoens, www.baroba.be

US VTOL Projects #3

US VTOL Projects #3 is now available (see HERE for the entire series). Issue #2 includes:

  • Lockheed CL-579: An optionally-manned “communications satellite” for after WWIII
  • Vanguard Model 18: A short range passenger transport from the 60s with slightly unusual wings
  • Hiller STORC: A helicopter that could convert into a conventional aircraft for long-range ferry flights
  • North American Rockwell NR-356 Sea Control Fighter: The design that led to the failed XFV-12A
  • Bell D181: One of the first VTOL “assault transports”
  • Hiller Anti-Submarine Warfare Drone Tailsitter: An unmanned pulsejet-powered torpedo-launcher
  • Gates Twinjet: An ill-timed executive transport helicopter
  • McDonnell Douglas VT107-4-4I: A short-range VTOL jetliner from the early 70s

While this issue covers the usual eight designs, note that it’s about 50% longer than similar, earlier issues. The delay in publication was due in large part to working on several book… and working on several books seems to have led me to be more verbose in my descriptions. So hopefully this means a better product!





USVP #3 can be downloaded as a PDF file for only $5.25:


 Posted by at 8:18 am